Glad to meet you. I look forward to hitting the road, meet all the Elio owners.My father used to say to all us boys (4 brothers) that we were dropped on our heads at birth. And I in particular should crawl back under my rock, and try not to speak when anyone is listening. He was joking. Err I think he was joking. Wait, ammm ahhh, yes, yes definitely joking.
But my dad, bless his hart, is the reason I have any technical talent at all, he was amazing.
What else is fun. My grandfather was there at the golden spike thingy. He also rode in hunting parties with THE Mr. Browning, had a shotgun and photos to prove it. Eventually was a VP of operations for Utah power and light somewhere near the 50's I think.
And my brother is the 'Father of shiitake mushroom growing in the US', yes he discovered how to do that. You can google that actually.
My second wife was the descendent of both Sr Francis Drake AND Captain Warden from the US navy both famous sea Captains. That was crazy, glad I'm out of that!
Hopefully that was fun. OK, I'll crawl back under my rock now.