Elio Addict
Hello from Clemmons, NC
Been a motorcycle rider since 08/1968 but had to hang it up and sell the bike in 2012... Doctors orders. I'm also a Life Member of C.O.B.B. (Crippled Old Biker Bastards). Tried a Trike and a Can-Am recently but both didn't work out due to medical issues. I'm stoked about the Elio and I'm looking forward to the Display in Charlotte, NC from 12/5-12/7. Not riding for two years has left an incredible void in my life and I hope the Elio is the cure for what ails me. Couldn't wear any of my Kilts on the Bike but I'll definitely be able to in the Elio.
Hello <> Greetings to you Celtictat2! Enjoy this site, enjoy the planning of your Elio. I see you had done some research over the past two years to find a match for your current needs and the Elio meets those needs! I am very happy for you! Enjoy the journey here, researching and emailing! To comfort you, elioowner tee-shirts are in the store up-top (of this page) for a mear $10.00 and of finest quality fabric.
Great item to have on a hanger at the favorite door knob in your residence. I have one on a hanger, hanging on a door knob in my residence, fun to pass that door daily.
Best regards
Terrence in Maryland