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Where Do You Stand Now?


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
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Just a reminder, folks...
Don't believe everything you read on internet forums.
Challenge me on the law regarding Motorcycle endorsements any time any where. Ride in 49 States have ridden in all 50 . I know how the law applies.
And the only reason Alabama does not have a required endorsement was they had a problem with the way the law was worded and they may have even fixed that by now. States next to Alabama made a killing writing tickets to Alabama riders that tried the well my state does not require it.
Federal regulation say three wheels is a motorcycle period. If any state within their boarders wish to call it something else that is fine in their state only.
This became a big problem for the slingshot. They are working on fixing that.
If you have a Motorcycle endorsement from any state all 50 will except it. Some States like FL have a lower class scooter that if is as defined by the law does not require a motorcycle endorsement. One of the requirement is does not go over 30 mph.
You can wishful think, you can justify it by saying what you think sound reasonable all you want. that does not change the facts one bit.
Lot more issues than you think with motorcycles and other states. Dealing with one now in IL.
Motorcycle tail lights that pulse when the bake is applied considered legal however a few officers in IL mainly Chicago area are misreading the law on them. Wisconsin not long ago passed new regulations regarding lights that apply only to motorcycles. No madder what your plate says your are required to follow the laws ,regulation of the State your are in.
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Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
So true, and a worry only in the short term. I can't imagine any state hell bent on keeping this limitation for the Elio once it's out. They will be sooo shamed by the technical details, it will be fixed.

To some degree all the changes in the law so far have resulted from looking at that silliness of not accomidating the autocycle, even though the production version doesn't exist yet. It's a hint to the future.

This is what should happen and what I believe will happen in time. We will need a new federal class for it so that it applies in all 50 states. That would make it much easier in the end.
There was a quiet movement years ago to exempt three wheel type motorcycles that failed .
The ELIO is a different vehicle .IMO the ELIO is a car but regulations don't care what I think.
Seat you sit in
Enclosed cab
Steering wheel
Brake pedal
Fuel pedal
Seat belts
Floor boards
windshield wipers
Air bags
There is nothing about a ELIO that say motorcycle except the lack of a 4th wheel.
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Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
actually, I'm most happy it isn't classified as a car .... it has been stated many times that the Feds make it much harder and there are many more hoops to jump through to create a new automobile company .... EM doesn't need anymore things to overcome than they already have


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Let EM's Legislative Team handle the issue of having legislation in place by the Elio's production deadline. It seems they have been doing a good job of it over the past year by working with states to get this new autocycle legislation to the forefront with MC endorsement and helmet exemptions already in place in many states. Heck, 90% of the Elio use will be as a commuter vehicle and rarely leave the state it's registered and licensed in. If you plan a cross country trip know the regs of the states you plan on traveling through.

Elio speaks enclosed three wheel motorcycle to me. It's what I like about it.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
Nope case study for you Alabama . They did not require a motorcycle endorsement. FL just loves to grab them when they cross into FL.
Many have tried that argument and all failed. If you get the Alabama endorsement then the reciprocity is in effect without it there is no agreement.
Alabama is the only state with No required motorcycle endorsement . They messed up the law last time so it is not in effect. You can pay a fee and get an endorsement if you want.
No endorsement from you state you are not legal in any other state. Argue it all you want that is they way it is.
If your state exempts ELIO great but once you cross the boarder that no longer applies.
Not to worry, the way state rights have been trampled these last few days, I'm sure the Supremes will eliminate any state issues
just sticking my 3 cents (inflation) see ya at the National Rally 2017,08 ??(can't hold out too much longer "ll be 75 in 09!!!!)
Just realized why the light in my bathroom goes on automatically every time I open the door- I've been peeing in the frig!!!


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
Just for a point of reference; and not saying that all information contained is up to date (I already found WA state to be out of date on this) here are the motorcycle laws for each state.

**Note I am not responsible , nor is ElioOwners.com for content, it is simply a beginning point to look at laws in different states. To make sure about current laws in any state, you must contact that state's DMV***


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Just for a point of reference; and not saying that all information contained is up to date (I already found WA state to be out of date on this) here are the motorcycle laws for each state.

**Note I am not responsible , nor is ElioOwners.com for content, it is simply a beginning point to look at laws in different states. To make sure about current laws in any state, you must contact that state's DMV***

It is some what out of date but close enough. Many new issues have come up with changes in law and new equipment.
Flashing brake lights, LED light, flashing head lights. Types of plate mounts have come up big time the last couple years.
Running high beams with ditch lights ect.
When Wisconsin fixed the law governing ground lights it was done so quietly and fast no one even knew it had been done.
The bill was submitted passed and filed.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
Not to worry, the way state rights have been trampled these last few days, I'm sure the Supremes will eliminate any state issues
just sticking my 3 cents (inflation) see ya at the National Rally 2017,08 ??(can't hold out too much longer "ll be 75 in 09!!!!)
Just realized why the light in my bathroom goes on automatically every time I open the door- I've been peeing in the frig!!!

First place I am going with the ELIO once it gets home is Gatlinburg TN , then down Deal Gap aka Dragon.


Elio Addict
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
AMEN .... it would be great to meet you there and run it with you ..:)
Was just there end of April. A trip we make often. Great area to ride hard to make a mistake. Then run down along NC/TN line.
Swing by Bridal veil falls.
Next year will likely be Memphis we were married there and it will be our 40th year on our next trip.
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