There's a fine line here and the future of this company is treading on it. You can only lead people around with a carrot on a stick for so long before they start losing hope and bailing. Do you think people who have put down a deposit are going to be willing to wait another 8 or 10 years for production to begin? Of course not. I know that's an exaggerated example (I hope anyway), but you get what I'm saying...every time the production start date is pushed back, more people say to he** with it, it isn't going to happen....Who is PM? Paul Elio? with a secret M in his name? If you were Paul Elio, would you give up control of your new company just because a few people are impatient about getting their car? I sure wouldn't. I would hold out until I had no choice. Is Paul taking chances by not accepting some kind of Angel donor? Perhaps. But more likely, he knows the risk he's taking and has judged it worth taking. It is not likely that Paul will let 8 years of his life amount to nothing. He will do everything he can to make this work. Think about it... If Elio really takes off, how much will it be worth? Now, imagine it's your car company... Now imagine you just lost 60% of it. Yeah, 60% of a car company might be worth waiting a little while for. Besides, why should he sell out right now anyway? He's still waiting on the body panel stampings. And his initials are PE, not PM.