Yes and no. The start for the Fleet 100 was December and hasn't been changed - yet. The start of Reservation Holders production was assumed to be the first quarter since the Fleet 100 is to be built at the Shreveport site, but I never heard that officially and speculated it would be longer to get feedback from the Fleet build.The last start timeframe I heard was the 4th qtr of this they did push it back again...that's how long it's been since I've visited the site...
But the first "pushback" date I would expect is the fleet build with the rest following suit. I haven't heard anything about E series f-w progress and that has to be done and supplier feedback incorporated before the fleet build. It also takes time to adjust the assembly line and hire workers. So further delay is likely. But much progress has been made and I would encourage you to look through some of the threads and find out the specifics.
The biggest hurdle is funding at this point and not the engineering which is progressing well. I'm still hoping for production by summer and mine by Christmas. But patience is a requirement until then and lots of it.
All the above was where I was at before reading the fourth quarter of 17 was the new target date for production. But that report is from the media which makes me skeptical since they get so much wrong when dealing with Elio.