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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.I just got to that email; how about I post the whole email:They're from the Momentum blog on eliomotors.com. There are a few details on what parts are in hand along with the photos.
I could have done that, but a picture is worth a 1000 words! LOLI just got to that email; how about I post the whole email:
Elio Motors Momentum v19
P5 Progress: Moving Forward Each Day
Funny thing about the English language. One word can have multiple meanings. Take progress, for example. On dictionary.com, “progress” has 10 different definitions. It can even be used as a noun and a verb! It’s no wonder the word “progress” means different things to different people.
We know the ultimate definition of “progress” will be a new Elio sitting in your driveway and we are eager to make that happen. But, in our journey to get to production, we need to make progress on literally thousands of activities, some big and some small. We are knocking things off of our to-do list every day.
This year, we’ve reached some major milestones. Our engine development partner IAV has our prototype engine running. We raised enough funds through our first crowdfunding initiative to begin building our next prototype, the P5. Most recently, we filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to seek authorization to make a formal stock offering of $25 million.
All of these are major milestones and tangible signs of progress to celebrate.
But nothing quite defines our progress more than the actual vehicle build. Today, we are right smack in the middle of building the P5 and, like everything else at Elio Motors, we’re making progress each day.
Some of this progress might seem mundane. Forging things like the lower and upper control arm mounts, the rear swing arm mount, or the engine mounts might not sound like a big deal, but they are done, along with all the other parts of the main frame and chassis.
How about the upper and lower control arms, the rear swing arm assembly, and the steering knuckles? No, they may not be your idea of sexy…but they’re done, too. Another box checked.
More signs of tangible progress? How about some of the off-the-shelf parts we’ve put on our shopping list.
Half shafts? Check. Rear caliper and rotors? Check. Shift linkage, clutch and flywheel, air cleaner box? Check, check, and check.
When you keep checking the box, all those components can be combined into systems. Ultimately, all those systems become a vehicle, or in this case, the P5 prototype.
Of course, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s a sneak peak of where we stand as of mid September. The P5 is clearly taking shape. And, that’s progress.
That's better; we always have a few that say they didn't get a copy, so this is for them.
Another option would be to mount a piece of Polycarbonate (you don't want to ever use Plexiglas for an outside surface) in the back hatch.Some things I noticed about the P5 progress pix -- the thing is held together with vice grips! Also, it looks as if on the far left there's another Elio frame in the works. Or maybe it's scrap. Finally, from the shape of the new trunk lid opening, I wonder how hard it would be to mount a piece of plexi into the trunk lid j -- and provide rear view at the same time, or at least some extra light for the rear compartment. Or maybe use the transparent plastic INSTEAD of the opaque standard issue. Another option?
Oh, and is that a significant nick or an intentional hole or dimple in the left edge of the trunk rim?