Not trying to open a "can of worms" here but, what if the color yellow was treated like cruise control or any other "option?" Let's say the difference in manufacturing cost is $50...Would you be willing to pay an extra $100 for that color?...$200?...$300?..........$500?
The thing that gets to me is that the original ad I saw for the Elio concept had eight colors, with a bright yellow being one of them! I fell in love with it at first sight & nothing else will do.
That said, given the extra cost option for it of even $500 (as long as it is the RIGHT color) wouild be a no-brainer for me. I expect that if I have to buy a bland one to use as a canvas and have a buddy at the local body shop paint it for me it would still cost more than that to have it done... of course, part of that would be because I couldn't resist having the scallops or flames added while it was being repainted!