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The Elio Standard Transmission


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
Well first I need to find out more about the AMT, my gearhead buddies have never heard of it either, but my most trusted one, the one who bought the cherry '70 autostick Beetle for cheap, then realized he couldn't put a clutch in it and had to buy a complete pan for it. He reassured me that the things they're doing these days with computer controls are amazing and to keep an open mind. I'll just have to wait and see. I'm really looking forward to hearing feedback from the test drives and going for one myself. In the mean time I'll just hang out here in the "Waiting Room" as we learn all things Elio.
The AMT is the same transmission as the Manual except there will be a couple servos and a computer doing the shifting. But, the main transmission is the same with either option. Swapping from one to the other shouldn't be too difficult and won't require new pans, transmission, etc.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
MATs can be pretty good and they can be pretty bad. I have a feeling that cost has a lot to do with how well it will shift. Unable to test drive an Elio with one, I am unable to commit to an AMT. I don't want to hate my Elio every time it jerks me through a parking lot or in stop and go traffic. If I get to drive one before having to finalize my order, Ill have a decision to make. If not, I'll trust myself to make the gear changes.


Elio Addict
Apr 22, 2014
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oregon city, oregon
OK, I know in order to smoothly shift a manual transmission, either up or down, you need not only a clutch pedal, but you need to modulate the throttle to match the engine (crankshaft) speed with the transmission input shaft speed. Yeah, I learned how to double clutch a non syncro tranny a long time ago. Can this new fangled computer controlled AMT do all this without driver input, or do I need to lift my right foot every time I sense the little 900cc engine struggle.

If the computor is set up properly it will match all the gear speeds


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
OK, I know in order to smoothly shift a manual transmission, either up or down, you need not only a clutch pedal, but you need to modulate the throttle to match the engine (crankshaft) speed with the transmission input shaft speed. Yeah, I learned how to double clutch a non syncro tranny a long time ago. Can this new fangled computer controlled AMT do all this without driver input, or do I need to lift my right foot every time I sense the little 900cc engine struggle.

I would be surprised if it did not. Thanks to drive-by-wire electronic throttles automatic rev matching is even becoming increasingly common on modern cars with manual transmissions.


Elio Addict
May 15, 2014
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Across the river from Minnysota
Everything I have heard from the Elio staff has said this will be a standard manual transmission with a normal manual clutch. So we will control the throttle rev matching. I'm not at all concerned with how the automatic trans will function.

Sunny Brandon, FL
Joe, you're confused by the thread title. We (I accept some blame here) jacked this thread into another auto/AMT thread days ago, and the mods have been so busy with the holidays, they haven't had time to relocate them yet. :D


Elio Aficionado
Dec 19, 2014
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New River Valley, Virginia
I don't want to hate my Elio every time it jerks me through a parking lot or in stop and go traffic. If I get to drive one before having to finalize my order, Ill have a decision to make.

Of course I've got no way to back this us since the thing hasn't been built yet, but my experience with other AMT's has not been Jerky. Even at low speeds, they do alright.


Elio Addict
Sep 2, 2014
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Middle Tennessee
I believe the statement that the AMT is the same Aisin manual with auto shift components added may be missleading. I hear that as being a way to simply explain the principal operation. Like saying that a 231 V6 is a 305V8 with 2 less cylinders. In principal yes, but very few components interchange. No doubt the Aisin AMT is built off their manual platform, but I would not bet on an easy swap in todays world of electronical stuff. At a minimum I would expect to have a constant check engine light if the AMT was not there to interact with the powertrain management system. Best bet is to drive one and then decide what is best for each of us. Manual for me please :)


Elio Addict
Aug 9, 2014
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Ashland, Ohio
OK, I know in order to smoothly shift a manual transmission, either up or down, you need not only a clutch pedal, but you need to modulate the throttle to match the engine (crankshaft) speed with the transmission input shaft speed. Yeah, I learned how to double clutch a non syncro tranny a long time ago. Can this new fangled computer controlled AMT do all this without driver input, or do I need to lift my right foot every time I sense the little 900cc engine struggle.
in the smart (same size motor and ATM) it is jerky if you do not let off the gas a bit. it tends to shift at the same speed no mater what the lode is, Accelerating slowly or fast. Coming out of a tight turn when it auto shifts in to second there is a bit of clutch slip. In the end. slow to mod acceleration it is smoth,while hard acceleration it is jerky


Elio Addict
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
software to the rescue,,,, The shift quality will be very dependant on the quality of the code in the PCM/TCM or whatever is controling the gearbox/clutck/throttle. Hopefully Elio will benifit from a "more mature" product in the current generation of AMT control packages. This has gotten me curious enough to go find a Yaris with AMT and see how it drives. Still a manual for me but "inquiring minds" and all ...:)
In my prowling the Aisin site ,I find that the 5speed in my son's truck (built at Shreaveport) is an Aisin , been a good one so far.
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