Elio Addict
I'm with you on my lack of knowledge, but I see it just the opposite, in a few areas.just a casual observation based on no knowledge whatsoever ===> testing started in mid November .... Thanksgiving/Christmans/New Years taken into consideration, given 6 months to test the engine, if all goes well the motor should be ready to go into production sometime around June .... I can't help but think about all that has been released about the need for additional road and crash testing, building prototypes, setting up the factory, training the factory works, training techs at Pep Boys, and much, much more .... it appears certain that to get Elios rolling off of the assembly line EM is going to have to shift into high gear (actually into overdrive) .... its going to take a herculean effort to get into production in 2015
Training factory workers. What, a week? Tops? Most of the factory will be robotics, so operator training isn't that extensive. And the stuff that requires a higher skilled worker? Well, the factory already had these workers there, so hopefully it will be easy to find labor and get them trained quickly.
Pep Boys? I'm thinking a few days watching videos and reading service manuals and they'll be up to speed. You're not training a person to be an auto mechanic. You're training an auto mechanic where to look for things.
The longest hurdle that you've mentioned, in my opinion, will be the building of the prototypes.
Also the building of all the fixtures and gauges and what-not involved in the factory.
My rose-colored-glasses still see this as entirely do-able.