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The Elio Engine


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
I know nothing about motors, so will I not be able to drive it on long trips due to overheating and possible engine damage?

according to the reports given so far, one should be able to get in, crank her up and take off to just about anywhere, any time


harlan stephens

Elio Addict
Oct 5, 2014
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United States
The issues I have seen are related to high compression . Or air cooled plated bores. Also fuels with any sulphur content have cuased failures.
A few companys out there have made this work for them. Yet have very deep pockets to do so.
And a few have turned away from it completely.
We can only speculate as to how this will work out for elio, as no tangble elio engine is running right now.
One thing is known....thin bore liners do not have any of these issues.
Omho a heck of a risk to take on a small start up company.


Elio Addict
Nov 30, 2013
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Hampden, MA
The engine is not air cooled nor does it have plated bores. The high sulfur content of domestic oil has long caused problems and is expensive to remove from base stock. There was at one point a large group of enthusiasts that thought four wheel brakes where the most dangerous newfangled idea ever. I have not heard of failures related to any of the early adopters of this tech. Rather than make the engine prone to overheating it would make heat transfer to the cooling system more efficient. The heat to the cooling system is lost efficiency but that is a totally different issue. http://www.flame-spray.com/


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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We can only speculate as to how this will work out for elio, as no tangble elio engine is running right now.
Except that the confidence level is very high since there is the stated intent to use proven technology. For the Engine that says they will do only what has been successful in the past. And IAV has succeeded at this technology already. They are just re-applying this to the G10 (Geo Metro) sized engine for Elio Motors. The research was totally worth it since they will apply (have applied) to other markets as well.


Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
From, Matt Zaluzec, Manager of Ford’s Materials Science & Nanotechnology Department - in reference to the Plasma Transfer Wire Arc process on an aluminum engine block:
“Durability tests have proven this is very durable. We have aggregated over 3 million miles of fleet testing, and we have test engines that have done 250,000 miles and they still have the cross-hatches on the bores—with no issues.”
Welcome to the new world.


Elio Addict
Sep 1, 2014
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I don't see a real problem with the spray bore lining, dry OR wet.
Modern advancements have allowed a much harder metal to be applied to the softer aluminum block, to reduce weight, displace heat, use less material AND it seems to stay put a lot better than sleeves!

WHEN I get my Elio, I will make certain the oil is clean, as well as the air filter. Wall scoring in the bores will be my primary concern. Dirty air, oil and sludge build-up would be a death sentence for any engine, but quicker in this case. (wall scoring) IMO.

After my "nice" stock car ended up basically scrap, I had limited funds and a growing Family. I faced a choice of cutting back on racing, or selling a couple of kids! After fierce debating with myself I ended up in the mini stock class, driving a Vega. The first engine I put in it was stock bored. It did alright until I ran it a "tiny bit" lean, in an effort to get a little more out of it. I shifted two sleeves and that particular motor detonated half way down the back stretch. I'm told it was "pretty" with the smoke and flames.. :eek:

I put a twenty overbore engine with a two barrel Holly and a header in it next. (wanted more power, remember?) It was sweet and ran fast enough I could easily keep up with a lot of the street stockers even! This lasted most of the Year, right up until something got through my radiator and I lost coolant. I was up front, so kept pushing,,, the sleeves up through the head this time!! Full bore to rear wheel lock-up is a scary thing, truly.. :confused:

What I learned, run it cool, keep it clean, Vegas WILL rap to over 8000 rpms, but cuts down your recovery time if something goes wrong...

(Still wonder if I shoulda sold a kid??) :rolleyes:


Elio Addict
Aug 18, 2014
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From, Matt Zaluzec, Manager of Ford’s Materials Science & Nanotechnology Department - in reference to the Plasma Transfer Wire Arc process on an aluminum engine block:

Welcome to the new world.
I'm all for the new stuff too and as usual time will tell all.

We all, sometimes, need to take two steps back and get our noses off of something to remember why we started looking in the first place.

Having watched some of our videos and read Way too much, and not to be rude (here, I am just an egg), but the item of most import is, in my opinion, the bit about cruising rpm of 1500 to 2000! Now THAT, excites me.


Elio Addict
Sep 2, 2014
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Middle Tennessee
One thing to keep in mind, design for manufacturing. When we eliminated machining for iron liners and installing them we eliminated seven machining/wash/test steps (machines). There are only twelve left now. If the Elio block is delivered to the machining facility already"lined" there is substancial savings in capital equipment and labor. My opinion that iron liners are going out of favor is based on watching the research and development on the "other" options (industry research papers,manufacturing magazines). People do not invest that amount of time and effort over that long a time without "just cause". I have no idea who is using it presently, don't really care enough to expend my GoogleFoo looking. I have no influence on Elio's decsion so I will wait and see. Serenity Prayer in action :)
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