outstanding ... great PR
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Outstanding to see someone take the initiative and get someone to start moving to resolve the issue.I just got off the phone with the Editorial office of the Sun Journal (my local paper) and they will be running a Letter to the Editor I just wrote thanking Rep. Golden for sponsoring a bill for the autocycle category, and also a description of the key features of the Elio. I'll post a link when the letter is published.
Along with that, I had the opportunity to speak with my insurance agent Ron Morin at Liberty Mutual, he's been around a long time and I've known him for years. He had no idea what an "autocycle" is, initially he speculated it would need to be insured as a motorcycle, though after discussion and looking at the Elio website he was more intrigued and said he would need to do some research and get back to me on it.
My Letter to the Editor thanking Rep Golden for introducing a bill to define autocycle and describe the Elio in the Sun Journal in Lewiston Maine here http://www.sunjournal.com/news/letters/2015/01/14/j-painter-new-transportation-opportunities/1641436
John, you're a one-man public action committee! [insert beer toasting emoticons here].
please post what your agent comes up with .... I suspect that as EM goes into production this type of conversation will be going on all over and it might help to know how other companies are going to handle it
For the time being, Liberty Mutual will insure the Elio as a motorcycle. Hopefully others will check with their carriers if/how the Elio would be insured.
From: "Morin, Ronald" <RONALD.MORIN@LibertyMutual.com>
Date: January 14, 2015 11:20:28 AM
To: John Painter <johnlpainter@me.com>
Subject: RE: Requested Liberty Mutual document(s) for John Painter
Hi John,
To your question about the auto cycle.
We can rate that as a motorcycle.
So when you do take ownership of one just call me and we can insure it.
Have a great day.