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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Well, it's already been graphed similar by someone else, but here is the update. Impending bonus reduction and press push look to be increasing the reservations dramatically. To get 40,000 reservations by Thanksgiving there only needs to be a pace of 110 reservations per day.

View attachment 2274
LOL... You've got to be similar to me... It's already up but I'm still putting mine up there!


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
love the math, so even if I was7500 (haven't yet gotten my #) at 400/ day should be about a month?
with 480 work minutes a day, 28,800 seconds... and the GM line used to put out one S-10 (before the Hummer and the improved line stuff), they were able to produce one vehicle every 52 seconds. We balanced the line to 54 seconds meaning that we had each station take 54 or fewer seconds to complete. That allowed a theoretical 533.33 vehicles to be produced per day... The Elio is much more simple but that just means that the line will be shorter and won't have to deal with as much weight. Still, I'd be surprised if they hit anywhere close to that number. Your 400 per day is probably a good number for them to hit - the logistics of moving that many vehicles out and that many parts in will be the real trick... The actual assembly will be easy. (relatively speaking)


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
Yep, and you're talking after the first year of production, or at least after all reservations are filled, correct?
Yes. However, they'll probably use Shreveport as "final assembly" for the first year or at least until they get their distributors set up. I can see your Elio coming off the line "naked" but with the right color and transmission... It'll go to the "distributor" who will pop in the right seats, lighted door sills, lighted hood ornament, correct fenders, etc.

The Shreveport distribution center will have to be "over manned" for that first year as they will have to option out every Elio produced... even people who want it stock - I'd bet that they'll get shipped out without even seats installed... no since installing them just to have to possibly pull them back out when they get ordered (I'm talking after they start hitting distributors).

Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I've put the numbers up in this thread... enjoy! Sorry, I'm slacking a little.
Hey, Ty. Hope Ya understand that I'm just yanking your chain a tad. :rolleyes:

I mean, someone has to yank our chains from time to time. Absolutely NOTHING personal. I think you are doing a WONDERFUL job. It is a job that I am completely incapable of doing. o_O

Thanks Ty!

Love Ya man!
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