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Orange Balls?


Elio Addict
Jul 6, 2014
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If you see or experience something not easily explainable, you need to report it so information can be compiled.


Years ago I saw something I could not explain -- at first. Our upstairs bathroom window looked out over our flat roofed garage. One time in the middle of the night, as I stood at the toilet looking out the window answering a call of nature, I noticed a very faint, pulsing glow coming from the roof. I thought I was imagining it so I woke my wife up and brought her to the window. Nothing. She wasn't happy. The next day, around 4 am, I saw the light again. It was so dim that if you looked directly at it you couldn't see it, but if you looked away and used your peripheral vision, there it was. A slowly pulsing orange-like glow. One pulse every two seconds or so.The power line went over the area so I theorized perhaps there was some kind of ionizing caused by electricity but it only seemed to happen on windy nights. I did NOT awaken my wife again. I KNEW I was seeing an actual UFO -- an unidentified flashing object. But what was the cause of the flashing??

In full daylight later that morning I got the ladder out to get up on the roof for a closer look. There was a pile of old leaves and a tree branch that touched the leaves. With a rake I started moving things around in the area where I thought I saw the glow. Guess what I found? I could not believe my eyes. The answer was so simple. ---the phone's ringing. More later.
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Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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OK, aknatten, you ARE an excellent writer!
I'll bring up the point. You can never know a person's motives or their ability to condense observation into facts, and even less about their ability to make an assessment.
If you see it yourself, you got a chance. If you hear it from a person, you better know the person pretty dang well.(get the details, ask questions)
If they heard it elsewhere, and covey it to you, it's now too far away to use it much in your own thinking. Maybe just a heads up for targeting your own observation.
( let's not even talk about seeing it on reality TV )
But in this stuff, beware, you often see what you expect to see and you hear what you want to hear.
So, don't buy the bate from anyone else, make your own conclusions, but keep it tentative (the door cracked open just a little).
That's always been the way of the Universe of Wonder, even after science and philosophy came on the scene.

Soooo, if you finish your story I may have some questions.
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Music Man

Elio Addict
Apr 19, 2014
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I appreciate you too Music Man! All my best friends are VN vets, but I'm a bit too young to have participated...mostly (3) Marines (one Army guy, I'm the God father of one of his sons [youngest], and his oldest is a Navy Seal [a.k.a. - bad ass).
All combat vets are brother's, as you well know. And we all share a special level of deep respect for each other. Mostly unspoken words, but bond will last forever!

Semper Fi, my brother.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
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Okay, I have never seen anything or heard anything that I know of. However I'm still trying to account for about 30 minutes I lost back in the late 70's. On my drive home from town, There is a hill, once you crest the hill and get to the other side you lose the lights from town but there are farms lights dotted here and there and a radio tower. Late one night while driving home I crested the hill and there was nothing, no lights anywhere, not even the lights on the radio tower! It was pitch black and my headlights even seemed dim. I slowed down thinking what the hell, where are all the lights. I looked in my rear view mirror and did not see the glow of lights from town. I was a mile from home and just kept driving. When I reached the bottom of the hill I turned off the highway, the radio tower was to my right but still no lights. When I crested a small hill all of the sudden there were lights every where, I could see the radio tower lights in my rear window. When I got in the house my brother was watching TV, I asked him how long the lights had been out. He looked at me like I'd lost my mind. He said the lights had not gone out at all. The phone rang and I answered, it was one of my friends, who I just dropped off at home not more than 15 minutes ago. She asked me why I didnt call when I got home. I said I just walked in the door. She asked where I'd been, I said no where, I came right home. She said I'd dropped her off more than 45 minutes ago. ( theme from twilight zone plays in the back ground) It took me 45 minutes to drive 4 miles on a state highway and .5 miles on a dirt road. No, I had not been drinking alcohol, No, I had not smoked any wacky weed, No, I have never before or since lost time, No, no one had lost their power that night. No, I was not abducted by aliens. At least I don't think I was?


Elio Addict
Jul 6, 2014
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If you see or experience something not easily explainable, you need to report it so information can be compiled.


Years ago I saw something I could not explain -- at first. Our upstairs bathroom window looked out over our flat roofed garage. One time in the middle of the night, as I stood at the toilet looking out the window answering a call of nature, I noticed a very faint, pulsing glow coming from the roof. I thought I was imagining it so I woke my wife up and brought her to the window. Nothing. She wasn't happy. The next day, around 4 am, I saw the light again. It was so dim that if you looked directly at it you couldn't see it, but if you looked away and used your peripheral vision, there it was. A slowly pulsing orange-like glow. One pulse every two seconds or so.The power line went over the area so I theorized perhaps there was some kind of ionizing caused by electricity but it only seemed to happen on windy nights. I did NOT awaken my wife again. I KNEW I was seeing an actual UFO -- an unidentified flashing object. But what was the cause of the flashing??

In full daylight later that morning I got the ladder out to get up on the roof for a closer look. There was a pile of old leaves and a tree branch that touched the leaves. With a rake I started moving things around in the area where I thought I saw the glow. Guess what I found? I could not believe my eyes. The answer was so simple. ---the phone's ringing. More later.
TO CONTINUE THE STORY ABOVE: I scraped away with the rake, removing the pile of old leaves which had been on the roof for ages. Suddenly a round object appeared, something translucent, rubbery with little rubbery protrusions. A child's toy. I took it inside, went into a dark closet, and moved the ball. A very faint glow issued from the object. Inside was a small battery and light, activated by movement. The ball had been on the roof for years and I had never cleaned the leaves off. I supposed someone had tossed it onto the roof sometime ago and couldn't retrieve it. It sat there, waiting for the right conditions of a long branch, wind and someone looking out the bathroom window to produce a spooky effect of something glowing in the dark as if to say "BOO!" True story.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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Okay, I have never seen anything or heard anything that I know of. However I'm still trying to account for about 30 minutes I lost back in the late 70's.?
When people finally open up, this kind of occurrence is not as uncommon as you might think. This one is a little interesting, it does have some possible suspects for the light issue. The right dust storm or weather can do the light, but not the time. However, it is an even more rare event to hear about than deja vu, UFO's and ghosts.

For years I thought it only took 14hours to drive straight though from Tucson AZ to Olympia Washington, because I did that my first trip on leave from the AF. I was highly interested in time because this was my first trip, and doing it straight though is a concern. But I did not bother to map the distances. I was just going to monitor how it goes and adjust accordingly.

The section from Bakersfield to the CA northern boarder, well I have no memory of that at all. Passing a CA cop on the OR side woke me up from a state of unconscious driving. I did not track the drive back, but took an overnight stay. I found in later trips that it's about 1200 miles and actual driving time took me about 22hours, add for gas stops etc. You can't dump 8hours and one gas stop in that route at any possible speed. The mystery remains unsolved.

So look at the issue of humans assessing odd occurrences. Is it very common to not notice that a 14hour trip one way was 22-24 hours on return, and not think anything of it? Yep, life sneaks up on you, especially if you aren't watching.

I probably should also write SciFi. My take on sasquatch. If time or dimension were just a little flexible, these 'harry people' could just pass through our time and place on their way to where they forage for food etc. Otherwise why would only certain regions have the only incidences? And why only unpopulated pristine places. And why always singular, never in groups? You and I know the easy answer.

But, if factual, does our very presence distort or displace where these dimensional corridors exist and when? It then follows that who is just as important as where. If where wasn't important, outer space would be the most likely 'corridor' path. If who(and their state of being) wasn't important everyone and everything would have run into one at some point. I need my own TV show. ( no I don't drink or smoke anything, ok, Dr.Pepper :-) )

Man! We really are board waiting for new Elio adventures.

So I tell this kind of thing to a very young atheist-science-is-everything at work one day. And of course 'keep your eyes open'. So the next day he gets a document package in a plastic sleeve open on one end. He counts the docs inside. Puts it on the counter. Then comes back to it 10minutes later, but not having left the room, and no one else entering. It's now a sealed package. White faced, he brings it to me unopened.

With full sympathy I say to him, I can accept what you may have encountered, because in my world this is possible. I love science methods and ethics, but it does not exclude the unknown.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
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AriLea, it was on a clear summer night, no wind, no clouds, no fog and all farm fields in the area had been planted, so no chance of dust storm. Had it been planting time or harvest time there would have been the possibility of heavy dust but I could see the stars but no moon. As for drive time, my friend lived 2 blocks off the highway that runs right by the town, speed limit 45mph until you get 1/4 mile out of town limits, then 55mph. I slowed down to 45mph about 1/2 mile from my turn off onto the gravel road, then 25 mph the last 1/2 mile. Normal drive time 15 minutes max including stop signs and waiting to cross the divided highway. Even if I had driven the whole way at 45mph it should not have taken me more than 20 minutes. Just one of those mysteries of life, where there is no logical explanation!


Elio Addict
Apr 3, 2014
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The section from Bakersfield to the CA northern boarder, well I have no memory of that at all. Passing a CA cop on the OR side woke me up from a state of unconscious driving. I did not track the drive back, but took an overnight stay. I found in later trips that it's about 1200 miles and actual driving time took me about 22hours, add for gas stops etc. You can't dump 8hours and one gas stop in that route at any possible speed. The mystery remains unsolved.
( no I don't drink or smoke anything, ok, Dr.Pepper :) )

1200 miles would be the approximate round trip from Bakersfield on I5 to the Oregon border.:)


Elio Addict
Jul 22, 2014
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Mainly elsewhere
Just over forty years ago, I was a youngster on a military cadet summer camp, in the north of Scotland. It was a fine warm day, very few clouds in the sky. As we stood in line for our lunch, I looked up and noticed a shining triangular surface, way up high, far above airliner height. I'm certain it must have been in earth's orbit and whatever it was, it must have been huge. It shone very much like the moon, so it was reflecting sunlight, but it wasn't the moon. The two longest sides were straight, making it look almost the same shape as a folded paper dart (like we made from a sheet of A4 paper and threw as kids), but with a concave rear edge. It stayed in the same place and was clearly visible for about fifteen minutes and then suddenly vanished. We all saw it. I have no idea what it was and have never seen anything like it since, despite having had an aviation career for over 37 years..


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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1200 miles would be the approximate round trip from Bakersfield on I5 to the Oregon border.:)
So does my missing 8hours correlate to the one way of 600? Considering I like to drive at 85 to 90 when I could in that particular car? That would be about right on average speeds. About the whole time would be consumed by the black-out if it was a time-missing event, or in this case also miles missing event. interesting. I'd never calculated the missing time versus miles.
This is more consistent with 'porting' A-to-B rather than 'Abduction' A to B. And come to think of it, most missing time events add to your travel rather than subtract. I didn't really think that one out either. Maybe I'm part Yettie? :-)
Apparently these kinds of adventures can go al kinds of different directions. Rip-Van-Winkle eat your heart out!
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