I'm rooting for this working man's everyday 3wheeler (not a weekend play toyOne company literally built and got their three wheeler on the road with NHTSA and EPA certification (which is not easy) in 6 years. Then they set out to form a dealer network for warranty and service along with parts. They did what no startup has ever done when it comes to three wheelers. Yes, it might be expensive and a weekend play toy, but they literally did something that even FUV couldn't accomplish (those are just cheaper play toys) in the timeframe. Elio's pie in the sky business plan was just that. If it was sustainable, then they would have had no problem getting to production. Yet they never did. So, maybe the people that compare them are wondering how a company that never asked for a penny from the \outside world, could accomplish this, while Elio was constantly shopping for funding.
Maybe, just maybe, the Elio plan was never going to work as it sounded too good to be true. Wanting something to work, is one thing, making it work is another. As for the BEX, we just have to wait and see. What I see is that we need to lower the bar a bit to get that three wheeler that we want at the price point that Elio somehow set which people believed because they wanted to believe.
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