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L.a. Auto Show...gimme Input


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
Karnaj you did a great job, you don't have anything to apologize for; if someone from the tour group went off on you, I would like to know who it was; send it to me an a PM with at least a description of him. I would rather not have anything said publicly incase one of the BOTS picks it up (there are 42 bots connected as we speak; they can see public, but they can't see private areas. (Oh geezz I know that is going to take on a life of it's own now :()


Elio Addict
Jul 24, 2014
Reaction score
Pacific, MO
Karnaj you did a great job, you don't have anything to apologize for; if someone from the tour group went off on you, I would like to know who it was; send it to me an a PM with at least a description of him. I would rather not have anything said publicly incase one of the BOTS picks it up (there are 42 bots connected as we speak; they can see public, but they can't see private areas. (Oh geezz I know that is going to take on a life of it's own now :()

Made me look! The "Bots" out number us 2 to 1 right now! :peep:

[been dying to use that emoji!]


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
There was an emphasis at the auto show about the P5 being a prototype, not identical to the final version.

It was stated a while back on this forum, that the P5 would be close to the final version. This is a statement that can be taken multiple ways. I know many people on this forum were expecting it to be identical to the production version and were appalled when they saw the P5, believing this is what they were getting. I can understand. If I thought I was getting a vehicle with holes in the floor I would be upset too. I agree with what the tour person said: there may be changes all the way to the final E version which is the only version guaranteed to be identical to the production model. In the automotive industry, vehicles are changed all the way up to production and continue to be changed after production. We have all purchased automotive parts and which part is appropriate is determined not only by what the year it was manufactured, but even what part of the year the vehicle was manufactured. I suspect Elio will do better than most, due to its simplicity and minimum of new parts.

I do not put too much emphasis on where the Ps stop and the Es start. I suspect it only means where the drivetrain, brakes, suspension, frame, etc. are such that it can be seriously tested on the track. These are the important parts because these are difficult to change. Accessories are easily changed at any time.

Our forum is the most positive towards Elio Motors. Perhaps they became concerned when they saw disappointment from some of our people. Perhaps a casual admonition was made and there was an overreaction. I do not know. I do know I have loved meeting the tour people previous times, and look forward to meeting them again in the future. They are a great group of people doing a difficult job and my compliments to them.


Elio Addict
May 1, 2014
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Ok, so here are a few things I found out while visiting the P5 in LA. Please take everything I say with a grain of salt as some may be my opinion and some may be inaccurate answers given by tour team members, or things that just might change again. The 2 most important things I got from the show was meeting G1 and Deb. Both great people and I have the upmost respect for them and their reviews toward Elio! The next best thing I got was hearing someone say as they walked up to the show that they heard about it on the radio and the news. That means the word IS getting out there and people ARE listening! I sure wish I could have met Karnaj there as he gave an excellent review also!
So...back to the car. Overall appearance was much the same as the P4, but the changes that were made were fairly notable and for the better. The new slope of the nose looked good as did the larger side view mirrors. I know it was in the plan to thin down the A pillars and I believe it was done, but I can't say that it was a huge change. The back of the wheel covers seemed too square for my personal taste, so if open wheel fenders end up being an option you can count me in! I didn't mind the exhaust "bulge" on the right side. If it can be removed and have a lakeside pipe installed, that may be kind of cool. I've never owned a red car and don't plan to but I did like the color on this one.
About the inside. I still can't believe how comfortable it really is. My everyday driver is a 98 s10 extended cab. If there was a "wall" down the middle of my trucks center console, I think the elio may be just a little wider. (Front seat only). An armrest was said to be going on the right side of the seat. Height unknown in reference to the armrest on the door panel. The seat in its farthest aft position was too far for me. I moved it to the center and the pedal reach was good for me. (5'10"). I witnessed a 6'5" #280 gentleman get in and out. He wouldn't say it was comfortable, but said he would be fine inside. Myself sitting in the back was ok, but I don't plan on doing often. With the front seat fully aft it was touching my knees. Sides were fine as was the headroom. I'm considering installing a tray onto the back of the front seat for the passenger to use. Much like your average passenger jet.
Other things worth noting:
Still a prototype vehicle- changes can and will be made in the E series test vehicles.
Battery location most likely changing.
Back tire/wheel wider than front but hope offset will be the same if you keep a spare at home.
E1-25 production could start as soon as stock money starts coming in.
Some notice will probably be given before bonus ends.
An interesting "to me" note: P5 was the only prototype I was allowed to sit in and get touchy feely with at the auto show. If there was another one I missed it, but others had ropes around and you could only get within 2 feet. I guess we should feel honored to get to sit inside. Looking back to an auto show I went to in Detroit, I wasn't able to get inside a prototype there either.
For now this is all I have. I didn't take any great shots as I knew G1 was all over that. I will post one of an "interesting" person I saw with the Elio.
Hope this review helps, but once again please take it for what it is.


Elio Addict
May 1, 2014
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Ok so this TS/CD? Was hanging around the Elio and asking questions. I didn't get a face shot but I'd have to say it was a "man" in his 60's? Just goes to show that this might be a car for everyone.

One other thing I forgot to note was that I got into the show free both days. I had my black and silver Elio shirt on and the team had the red ones on. I went in thru a "back" entrance and they assumed I was an employee. Worked for me!


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
Ok so this TS/CD? Was hanging around the Elio and asking questions. I didn't get a face shot but I'd have to say it was a "man" in his 60's? Just goes to show that this might be a car for everyone.
View attachment 7665
One other thing I forgot to note was that I got into the show free both days. I had my black and silver Elio shirt on and the team had the red ones on. I went in thru a "back" entrance and they assumed I was an employee. Worked for me!
This nothing unusual in LA. Never a dull moment.


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
I was interested in the stereo since I will not be getting the Skyz. Sitting in the vehicle I could not see behind the ipad so I felt behind it. The ipad mounting arm came through the dash where the stereo would be mounted, through a rectangular "cover" over the stereo hole. I get the impression a person can have a stereo in that hole if they do not get a skyz. If they do choose skyz, I believe they will receive no stereo, the ipad will be the stereo, and it will be mounted through the stereo hole. Thus the stereo hole serves double duty: it holds the stereo or is the opening through which the skyz is mounted.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
I am very surprised to hear that a tour person was defensive when speaking to someone known to be a member here as they are generally very open with everyone. I know that Deb and myself always receive a warm welcome and get plenty of answers to our questions even though we are well known to be active members of the EM community. Jerome Vassallo even joked around with us about having to be careful about what he tells us as we would report it, so the tour members should know the drill well by now.

I do have to wonder if someone was having a bad day however it is also always possible something strange did happen. I have not seen any unusually strong reactions about the P5 however we may never know if something leaked out that was not supposed to. Even that should not leave the tour people defensive as I am sure they are used to having things they can't share.

Nothing I have seen has caused EM anywhere close to the grief that occurred when I touched off a firestorm on several EM groups by posting the first good clear photos of the Elgin dash prototype. EM's whole policy towards the online groups was revised after that, they continue to monitor however no longer actively participate in the independent groups, yet they still continue to treat us well whenever we visit the tour.

I continue to encourage everyone who has the opportunity to visit the tour and speak to the tour personnel in person. The prototypes really are quite impressive in person but its the people that really make the tour stops great. Chatting and meeting the tour team as well as fellow EM fans has been a lot of fun for me.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
I was interested in the stereo since I will not be getting the Skyz. Sitting in the vehicle I could not see behind the ipad so I felt behind it. The ipad mounting arm came through the dash where the stereo would be mounted, through a rectangular "cover" over the stereo hole. I get the impression a person can have a stereo in that hole if they do not get a skyz. If they do choose skyz, I believe they will receive no stereo, the ipad will be the stereo, and it will be mounted through the stereo hole. Thus the stereo hole serves double duty: it holds the stereo or is the opening through which the skyz is mounted.

Yup, you got it right. A stereo head unit can be mounted in the standard single-DIN slot that also servers as the mounting point for the Skyz iPad holder as the Skyz system handles stereo functions as well as other things.
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