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Investor Question Answered...


Elio Addict
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
. I'm a memebr of the Beta market. I think it's a really cool concept that really should have always existed, and I want one. My group sees it as special, cute, artful or full of character. Then there's Theta, sort of a geo-political policy view that sees this as helping the world and doing good works. Next is Delta, they see uniqueness, desireability, even sportyness, a toy for new times. They want things they can add to personallize it and enhance it to express thier own vison. Turbo charge it, get a trailer, a luggage rack, re-skin it, network the back for xbox, get together with others for outdoor camping, go on club outings. Any other groups I need to cover? Define for me, what is Gamma or Omega? What group(s) is your possy?, Alfa,Beta, Theta, Delta? , K, little carried away, just enjoying the moment.

Have Elio Reservation Order :rolleyes:


Elio Addict
Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
You bring up a very sound and well made point. Thank you. But, where is your defense when AriLea attacked me unprovoked? Does courtesy only run one way? From the doubting toward the believers?

Let's be honest here. Probably 85% or more of the site's users have NEVER worked in the problem-solving side of manufacturing in their lives, and take it totally for granted. As if things magically appear out of thin air. Without sweat. Without toil. Without long hours, missed weekends. There are a lot of childlike (not in the good way), unrealistic dreamers here with their heads in the clouds and not touching the ground. Guess what? They DO NOT HELP GET THE CAR BUILT.

At all! All they do is sucker in more poor, lost souls. EM needs a serious business plan and real help, not rabid, teeth-bared screechers that attack any opinion which differs from the group-think hive mind.

However, your points above are totally valid--I don't want to discount them. I've made my points. I think EM is badly managed and very lazy--unwilling or unable to jump in with full heart and soul and commit to Paul's vision. It angers me, because I have wanted a 3 wheeled car sooooo bad since I first saw a 2F/1R design in 1984/1885 in PopSci or PopMech.

I will not post any more criticisms on this matter unless asked.

Sorry, I do not recall where AriLea attacked you. But since I'm not the policeman here I think I can be forgiven.
As far as all the people who are being suckered in with their heads in the clouds not helping get the car built; I disagree. Any amount of cash Elio can get or even peoples interest, showing that the concept is marketable, DOES help get the car built. I don't know how you can say that people willing to put money up for a product that may never come to fruition does not help it succeed. If I had deep pockets lots of consumer interest is exactly what I would want to see before investing considerable cash.


Elio Addict
May 6, 2014
Reaction score
It amazes me how "snitch" claims AriLea attacked him "unprovoked", and in the very next paragraph he speaks of "85% of the users" on this site in a degrading manner..."As if ( we believe) things magically appear out of thin air" And yet, that is exactly what he keeps expecting EM to do.
We understand that quality takes time, and we are ok with that.


Elio Addict
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry, I do not recall where AriLea attacked you. But since I'm not the policeman here I think I can be forgiven.
As far as all the people who are being suckered in with their heads in the clouds not helping get the car built; I disagree. Any amount of cash Elio can get or even peoples interest, showing that the concept is marketable, DOES help get the car built. I don't know how you can say that people willing to put money up for a product that may never come to fruition does not help it succeed. If I had deep pockets lots of consumer interest is exactly what I would want to see before investing considerable cash.

This post was full of vitriolic, way over-the-top anger bordering on 'lost it' before it was toned down: http://elioowners.com/threads/investor-question-answered.1592/page-2#post-26089

Seems there is a big double standard here--NO ONE called him on it for 8 full pages!

I guess you can be rude, mean, personally insulting, and just downright NASTY as long as your opinion agrees with the majority.

Mob mentality, much?


Elio Aficionado
May 26, 2014
Reaction score
I just read this whole thread and i didnt see any mention of this:
Reservations at over 20,000
Price per unit 7,000
Equals 140,000,000.
That seems pretty substantial to me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just nowhere enough substantial to attract investors, to fund the project.

It takes hundreds of millions of more investment up front, closer to 1B, plus years of time to even get operations into a scale of efficiency that would even prepare EM to make any money.

Just keeping it simple. Lets even say double the reservations from 20K to 40K, and assume they all turn into orders, say for the first year of production.

Here is the problem. They advertise the price at $6800. But, they estimate the Bill of Materials costs at @$5K per vehicle. Now, this is just a BOM cost, what it costs for the parts, not everything else it costs to run a major company with thousands of employees, retail centers, which is called the true Cost of Goods sold (COGS).

Nevertheless, I'll even grant you that they "say" their margin/profit is $2K/vehicle, so x 40K reservations = 80K profit.

Now yippee they say, but oh wait, EM owes the initial investors back first a return on their 200M investment, first, and then those investors expect to be paid with some unknown yield of profit on loaning them the 200M to begin with, first. Oh, and after launch by the way, to keep improving the factory and setting up dealers, hiring, tooling, fixing recalls, we need hundreds of millions more, keep it coming my friendly investors....

So then, you can now see why EM is having "trouble" securing the rest of the 150M they need to launch, no investor will invest money in something where the numbers don't nearly add up. You need several years of shipping 40K/month of Elios to even have a shot at JUST breaking even.

For some reason many here don't seem to grasp the numbers. I love the Elio vehicle itself, but this is a business, run by engineers with a dream, its like some average film directors out trying to raise 200M to fund making a movie. The risk is far too high to generate the level of investment it will take.

You can't ignore how silly even vamped up numbers here make this operation look silly.
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