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Guns And Stuff Related.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC


Elio Addict
Jul 24, 2014
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Pacific, MO

Oh yeah, that 11-87 of yours is a fantastic gun! Definite reduction in kick compared to my stock 870. I'll have to check out the Kick-Ezz you mentioned.
Speaking of 308s. Charlie just bought a Remmington 700 308 tactical (I believe that's the model) and an $1100 Leopold scope. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to bring it to Jay's for you to check it out.;)


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Oh yeah, that 11-87 of yours is a fantastic gun! Definite reduction in kick compared to my stock 870. I'll have to check out the Kick-Ezz you mentioned.
Speaking of 308s. Charlie just bought a Remmington 700 308 tactical (I believe that's the model) and an $1100 Leopold scope. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to bring it to Jay's for you to check it out.;)

that would be great .... I'd love to see it .... as you mentioned, we may need to schedule a couple of days at Jay Henges

Keith Stone

Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
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please post your reactions .... we our grandson will turn 8 in September and our son will be taking him to a hunter safety course .... we want to give him a Henry 357 for paper punching and for deer hunting with our son (his father)
I own the Henry big boy carbine...16.5 inch barrel large lever loop,(although you can buy a big loop for any of the big boys),
First thoughts on shooting, the 38's was just above the recoil of a .22 magnum and shot very accurate! The .357 had a little more bang but not a bad kick at all and still accurate! If I were setting mine up as a deer hunting rifle I would definitely add a scope and possibly get a 20" barrel, the gun is drilled and tapped for a scope so it would be easy to add on, I noticed the brass bead was a little big and harder to see vs. Fiber optic sights on my muzzleloader, The gun is a little heavy so if your grandson would like to shoot a deer a rest would be ideal. One thing i noticed is if you cocked it fast it loaded the next round smoother. Overall I am very impressed with the Henry and would even consider buying a steel reciever, but I got a good deal on this gun from a guy who bought it new and never shot it.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
I own the Henry big boy carbine...16.5 inch barrel large lever loop,(although you can buy a big loop for any of the big boys),
First thoughts on shooting, the 38's was just above the recoil of a .22 magnum and shot very accurate! The .357 had a little more bang but not a bad kick at all and still accurate! If I were setting mine up as a deer hunting rifle I would definitely add a scope and possibly get a 20" barrel, the gun is drilled and tapped for a scope so it would be easy to add on, I noticed the brass bead was a little big and harder to see vs. Fiber optic sights on my muzzleloader, The gun is a little heavy so if your grandson would like to shoot a deer a rest would be ideal. One thing i noticed is if you cocked it fast it loaded the next round smoother. Overall I am very impressed with the Henry and would even consider buying a steel reciever, but I got a good deal on this gun from a guy who bought it new and never shot it.

your comments based on your use are really appreciated ..... you've addressed several of my concerns (actually concerns is too strong of a term) ... we do plan to go with the steel receiver and to equip it with a scope .... the difference in weight between the 20" and 16" barrel version is just under a half pound so we will probably go with the 20" H012M .... link ===> https://www.henryrifles.com/rifles/henry-big-boy-steel/ .... in the early days we anticipate him firing low power 38's and shooting from a bench/rest .... one concern has been the 7 lb weight of the rifle (without ammo and the scope) so we don't believe he will do much offhand shooting for a while .... thanks for you suggestion as to smoothing out the lever action .... how quickly we evolve from there will be dependent on his progress


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
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On Vashon Island
View attachment 8307
I know this belongs in jokes, but I just couldn't help it...
I was trying to find Larson's two deer talking, one with the bulls eye on his chest the other saying "bummer of a birthmark"
Well, X:IV turning in after what would be considered a poorly played regular season game, this one wasn't close to super!
Did I mention the commercials were the pits. Maybe next year the Hawks will get it right. Really good football ??( the U S. only country on the planet calls it soccer) Premier League is a real man's game -go Manchester City.


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Junction, TX
your comments based on your use are really appreciated ..... you've addressed several of my concerns (actually concerns is too strong of a term) ... we do plan to go with the steel receiver and to equip it with a scope .... the difference in weight between the 20" and 16" barrel version is just under a half pound so we will probably go with the 20" H012M .... link ===> https://www.henryrifles.com/rifles/henry-big-boy-steel/ .... in the early days we anticipate him firing low power 38's and shooting from a bench/rest .... one concern has been the 7 lb weight of the rifle (without ammo and the scope) so we don't believe he will do much offhand shooting for a while .... thanks for you suggestion as to smoothing out the lever action .... how quickly we evolve from there will be dependent on his progress

Great idea starting him off with something with low recoil.
I tend to favor Marlin lever guns so right now I have a 1894C, a 336 in 35 Rem, and an 1895G.
The 1894 is a 38Spl/357. Nice little gun and cheap (relatively) to shoot. Weighs about 6 lb.
---> http://www.marlinfirearms.com/Firearms/1894centerfire/1894C.asp <---
In any case, good luck.
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