Welcome to Elio Owners! Join today, registration is easy!
You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.So too cardiologists just try to stay alive before you're "thrilled to death"I love Wisconsin... I love a state that features meats and cheeses plus beer as staple foods.
I was just thrilled to death about walking into the Wally World and 5 feet into the store is a beer cooler loaded to the top with ice cold brews.if they had brats and cheese a few feet away would have been perfect
And how did you come by this knowledge of distilling? <kaf, kaf>I'm from Maryland, a state that did not enforce prohibition. However, alcohol was still illegal at the federal level.
Home brewing (Bert and wine) is legal at the federal level, but not in every state.
Federal law covers all states, no matter what one particular state may say. Marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, even though Colorado says it's okay. That's why no banks will do business with dispensaries there.
I'm not telling you not to distill your own liquor. I'm just saying it is illegal in the US of A. I wish it wasn't. I have been running a Homebrew shop for almost 20 years, and would love to be able to run classes and demonstrations on home distilling. I actually know quite a bit about the subject.
It is legal to add spirits to wine just like it is legal to add spirits to a cocktail. It is not legal to create those spirits through distillation at home.Is it legal to fortify a wine to protect it from turning off into vinegar? That's tradition in most wine making.
Just kiddin', JEBar!!retired after 30+ years of working in NC's prison system .... have seen the trigger pulled on umpteen thousands of guys and gals
ya never know-lol- if it's Friday, it's blog day!! Think they might talk about the heater's BTU today!!- 38d down here tomorrow a.m.!!!... And now, back to our regularly scheduled topic...
The engine... well, obviously, the Topic's Friday in question has come and pass. Has anyone heard rumors or facts about when they will actually do the "Official first start"?
I believe if I had an engine ,tested it,and it was ready to crank about two weeks ago, I'd have that engine in my car now and testing it. I sure wouldn't be just sitting on it. So Elio wants the press and a selected audience to see the ( first ) running of the engine . Why not have it in the And ?
At one point we had said, as a way to check progress, watch for board members to see if anyone bales or we get new ones. We'll we got a new one.Elio Motors is proud of the fact that we have some of the most prominent and respected automotive leaders as part of the Elio team. Naming automotive and logistics industry veteran Dave Schembri