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Friday Blog Is Out


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
Apart from the title change, here's the differences between old and new:

Is it just us or did the last two weeks seem to fly by? The closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics will take place on Sunday. The US may not have piled up the medals like we have in the past, but we’re still tremendously proud of all our Olympic athletes! For any night owls out there, the US Men’s team plays Sweden in the Curling gold medal match at 1:25 AM eastern tonight. Who would have thought curling would be so popular all of the sudden? Go USA!

We hope that you are ready to enjoy the last weekend of the summer and then head into the fall season!

gasoline powered


gasoline powered




Other than those changes, they are exactly the same. The first paragraph had to of been changed because mentioning the Olympics would have been a dead giveaway that this is a recycled blog. Then twice they put a hyphen in and changed the second to last word of the blog.

Here's the new blog: https://www.eliomotors.com/a-platform-for-the-present-and-future/
Here's the old blog: https://www.eliomotors.com/a-platform-for-the-future/

Samuel Gompers

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2019
Reaction score
Speak for yourself Watashiwah, if you feel like an idiot, you at least got some of it right.
If you feel like name calling, take it some where else, we don't need it here.

The last section is new also, they never mentioned those power sources before.
I will go with Johnny Acree, for once it is a new blog entry.
So it may be old for some parts, but it has been added to update it.
RS posted the Elio link, here's the forum link: https://www.elioowners.com/threads/friday-blog-is-out.8294/page-38#post-193638
Watashiwah didn't call anyone names, but you called him an idiot. As you said, we don't need it here.

The last section was old/identical. That may not prove that they think we're idiots, but it is an indication that there is nothing new to report.

Made in USA

Elio Addict
Mar 30, 2017
Reaction score
I contacted Elio about the lack of anything from Paul. Their response was that they have a communication plan in place and as soon as they can announce something they will. If true, then their communication plan sucks. I'm guessing it 's something like: We'll talk amongst ourselves and leave everyone else in the dark. Only if we get funding will we say anything and even then it will restricted to only minimal information. We won't even update the SEC documents until then. I may be wrong, but show me otherwise.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
Elio Motors demonstrated their communication plan in May 2018. When they got the $2.5M and officially announced Eliocoin, they did some key announcements. First one was to have a blog showing the blue chip suppliers all in a room and ready to get back to work on the Elio (instilling confidence with the investors). Second one was to go to Shreveport, talk to the press and get them to assume things he never said all in hopes they get it wrong, but in the right way. It worked, because there were headlines like this

Paul Elio, after many delays, says: Buy my car in 2019 - (Shreveport Times)
Elio Motors says it'll build production cars next year - (Green Car Reports)

If you listened to what he actually said, he never talked about 2019, just that it was "76 weeks plus a smalll number". So the press assumed that since it was May 11, 2018 that would mean October 25, 2018 plus a small number. The phrase "small number" was key. It can mean anything and as of now, Elio motors keeps posting the same canned response on their FB page indicating 76 weeks. As we all know when we read the rest, 76 weeks is with full funding, not partial. As of today that small number is 71.

When the next round of funding comes, expect a similar pattern. Plus there will be more talk about the NDA because of the SEC gag order, which the SEC is now part of that gag order. I bet a new SEC filing will come out the day after the next round of funding announcement.

Johnny Acree

Elio Addict
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
The Elio Vs. _______
September 27, 2019

Happy Friday Elio’ers! Fall is officially here and before you know it, most of us will be adjusting to a time change. Let’s enjoy everything this season has to offer while we can!

If you’ve been a loyal follower of the blog, you probably know that from time to time we’ve compared the Elio to other vehicles that are on the road today. Usually, these comparisons deal with gas mileage and price. Today, in a blog from the archives*, we will compare the Elio to a few different vehicles in terms of size! These dimensions reflect the current design direction and may change slightly, so if you’re thinking about building that new garage for your Elio, don’t plan on these dimensions being exact.

With our configuration and design, the Elio can be a bit of an optical illusion. As we’ve said in the past, the Elio can comfortably seat two 6’2 adults comfortably. The dimensions of the front seat are comparable to the 2017 Honda Accord. The Elio has 39.8” of headroom and 42.7” of legroom, while the Accord’s same dimensions are 37.2’’ and 42.2’’. The Elio also has the same amount of headroom and legroom as the 2018 Toyota Carola.

At first glance, the Elio may look slightly low to the ground. Actually, our ground clearance 5.75″ which is consistent with other vehicles on the road such as the Honda Accord EX and the Mercedes S550.

With a wheelbase (which is the center of the front wheels to the center of the rear wheel) of 110,” the Elio is similar to the Toyota Corolla, which has a wheelbase of 106. As far as length, the Elio, at 160.5”, is the about the same length as the 2017 Honda Fit, the 2017 Chevrolet Sonic Hatchback, and the Mercedes SLC.

With our front-to-back seating, the space where the door opens is a very important area of the Elio and one that is quite popular with people that have yet to see the Elio in person. To help you visualize the ingress for the Elio, we took three different measurements of the door opening and compared them to other vehicles that you commonly see on the road.

A. The total swing of the door.

B. The dimension from the A-Pillar to the B-Pillar at the belt line

C. The dimension from the outer body to the furthers point of the door when opened

Inches Inches Inches
Elio 48 42 22
Ram Truck 41.5 35 40.5
LaCrosse 42 35 41.5
Average 44 37 35

You can clearly see that the Elio has an ample entry point, even larger than a Ram 3500 quad cab pickup. The other interesting point we can glean information from is the “C” measurement. The Elio extends only 22” past the outside of the wheel, meaning that you can open your door and have over 19” extra clearance from whatever on that side, be it a wall or a roadway. That is over a foot and a half less room that you would need over the LaCrosse, and that is with the door at its widest!

One other measurement that we often get asked is how much room is there to get to the back seat. The number is not on this chart, as it is unique to Elio in this comparison, but that number is 20.5”, pretty good for a coupe set up.

As you can see, while the Elio is unique, it shares many similar dimensions to other four-wheel, four-door vehicles on the road.

Thanks for your support and have a fantastic weekend!

* Originally published February 2, 2018

Samuel Gompers

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2019
Reaction score
RS posted the Elio link, here's the forum link: https://www.elioowners.com/threads/friday-blog-is-out.8294/page-38#post-193638
Watashiwah didn't call anyone names, but you called him an idiot. As you said, we don't need it here.

The last section was old/identical. That may not prove that they think we're idiots, but it is an indication that there is nothing new to report.

Here's the response from Coss asking for a public apology:
Sep 23, 2019
New I said-"Speak for yourself Watashiwah, if you feel like an idiot, you at least got some of it right."

If you feel like an idiot.
No where did I call him an idiot.

So before you start picking on a Mod, make sure you've read and understood what that Mod said.
Got it?

So just as you bad mouthed me, I think you owe me an apology.
In PUBLIC since you chose to start jumping on me be very careful, I know what I said, I read it before I hit the post button.
Change that, I will take that apology here, and let it go as such.
If you want to do it publicly, that's up to you .

I'll state it publicly - saying "If you feel like an idiot, you got at least some of it right." is calling someone an idiot. What was he supposedly right about, if not "feeling like an idiot"? I continue to believe that Coss owes Watashiwah an apology.

I also take "be very careful" as a threat of banishment.


Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
DC area
For myself, I seek no apology: it’s enough for me to visualize a bitter SSI dependent ‘get off my lawn’ sort of guy armed with a laptop, pathetically screaming into his keyboard, clinging onto a thousand dollar bill.

Let’s do the math—-rather than attempting to ‘paint an accurate picture’ of Elio’s past and likely future, merely a handful of people remain, arguably enhancing Elio’s image, against all evidence contrary. There are many forum members fleeing, or intermittently banished, only one ‘new member’ joins every 4 to 6 weeks but many of them get ‘the ire’ of our Mod when they voice their opinions and concerns.

This is pure entertainment! It is definitely more fun than not driving a non existent car.
Last edited:

Samuel Gompers

Elio Addict
Jun 25, 2019
Reaction score
While I thought that your other post was fine, this latest reply (everything in the first paragraph after "apology") was inappropriate at best.

I suspect that most of us on this forum (and those who are no longer on the forum) are somewhat bitter about the whole disaster that started out as a great idea.
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