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Elio Gauge Cluster - Lord Elgin? - Other Options?

Elgin Dash Yes or No?

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Elio Addict
Apr 1, 2014
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somewhere deep underground in the NE US
The old Mercedes (mid sixties I think) had a similar rotating 'post' with numbers on it that revolved as you went faster. I remember there were little checkered flags and other icons scattered between the numbers.


Elio Addict
May 15, 2014
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The 'idea' of the ELGIN display is NOT a little LCD display, but large rotating dials (covered by those 'silver rings') for the Speedometer and Tach.... with only the small top section readable. All of the rest of the dial is 'hidden', and only 'spins into view' at the top window. NO such "Off-the-Shelf" instruments exist today...... therefore they have to be Designed and Manufactured.

Wow. Thats both ugly and dumb.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
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Cumming, GA
The 'idea' of the ELGIN display is NOT a little LCD display, but large rotating dials (covered by those 'silver rings') for the Speedometer and Tach.... with only the small top section readable. All of the rest of the dial is 'hidden', and only 'spins into view' at the top window. NO such "Off-the-Shelf" instruments exist today...... therefore they have to be Designed and Manufactured.

You are correct that the idea is to give the impression of dials under there however after speaking to Jerome about this directly he said those numbers will be digital and this can be confirmed by many others who have spoken to them about this.

The digital display is a practical off the shelf solution to the issue you pointed out that actually doing the Elgin gauges mechanically would mean having to use a more expensive custom gauge.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk


Elio Addict
Jan 9, 2014
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You are correct that the idea is to give the impression of dials under there however after speaking to Jerome about this directly he said those numbers will be digital and this can be confirmed by many others who have spoken to them about this.

The digital display is a practical off the shelf solution to the issue you pointed out that actually doing the Elgin gauges mechanically would mean having to use a more expensive custom gauge.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
So then all the 'wasted space' under the silver circles.... is to give the 'illusion' that there is a spinning LED wheel 'hidden' under it? This design just keeps getting DUMBER, the more I learn about it!


Elio Fan
Mar 13, 2014
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Marysville, WA
I'm not going to say the SB instrument panel is a deal-breaker, but it would require me to substitute some other kind of panel. ...

Lil4X, I've had the same thoughts the instant I first saw that proposed Elgin gauge cluster. The rest of your post was also very insightful and informative.
I don't know how to link to a previous posting here, but I'd like others to read or re-read one of my first postings, found here: Topic: This Weeks Tech Talk Is All About Interiors, post #46.


Elio Aficionado
May 18, 2014
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Elgin Dash, Yes or No.

If No, then what?

I don't mind whether analog or digital - I just need something that is clearly visible and visually intuitive.
I have no interest whatsoever with struggling to READ some numbers, when a simple indicator readily (visually, intuitively) displays what's needed - and to then get my eyes back on the road - where they belong.
As to an additional issue, I prefer a full gauge set, not idiot lights.


Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
I much prefer the idea of gauges too, but unless a driver is schooled in their meaning, they aren't of much help. I remember Dad drilling me on each of the gauges on the dash of my '52 Dodge:

Pointing to the ammeter (no voltmeters in those days), "What does that tell you?"
"That my battery is charging."
" . . . the generator's working?"
" . . . the voltage regulator's OK?
" . . . the fan belt's OK, and the water pump is turning?"
"Probably, yes, and what else?"
"Your electrical system is working, no serious drains, no shorts, and that after starting, your ammeter shows your battery recovering its charge, so it's probably OK too. SEE?"
Well, it's how you learn, kid. At sixteen I would have a lot of that ahead of me.

Something NASCAR has done in recent years is to fully instrument the cars, but given the concentration the driver has to maintain about strategy and situational awareness, the backlight of critical instruments turns red when they run out of spec - sort of a combined gauge and idiot light - except the whole thing turns red and tells you just how bad the situation is. Not really attractive, but it does get the driver's attention, especially when it starts to flash when it detects a complete failure. This kind of display isn't particularly expensive anymore.

Jeff Miller

Elio Addict
Mar 16, 2014
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I like gauges also however even if they dump the Elgin idea I doubt we will see many gauges, other than speedo, tach, and fuel, as idiot lights are cheaper.

I believe goofyone is correct.

I guess I'm an odd ball because I like the uniqueness of the elgin but I think any dash, elgin, digital, or analog would work. I personally tend to like analog displays best but I've driven and ridden with digital gauges and they work fine as well.

There have been many discussions about how dangerous and unreadable the elgin dash will be. I am a mid-50s guy that has been wearing bifocals for a few decades and am turning the lights brighter to try to see better so I understand some of the concerns about older eyes and not seeing as well. Everybody is unique but from my personal experience, I believe the concerns about the elgin dash being dangerous may be a bit exaggerated.

Below are the mirrors I have mounted on my Victory Kingpin. The numbers are about 1/2" in height and they are open to full sun hitting them so at times they can actually wash out a bit. I have never had an issue reading them or understanding what they tell me. If the elgin shows numbers twice as big and in an enclosed environment I can't help believe that reading them will be absolutely no problem.


Another concern about reading the elgin seems to be how quickly the numbers can be read. As I think about it, I really am only concerned with about a 1/2 dozen posted speed limit numbers. I know what they are and when I look to my dash I can very easily see if I am at that number. For example, for a posted 55 mph if I see a 5 in the 10's spot I'm probably good. If I don't well then I probably already know from motor noises and things flying by if I'm going too fast or too slow. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if you are spending a lot of time looking at the speedometer you probably aren't taking in the other information around you or perhaps you are just spending too much time paying attention to your gauges.

Ty said it correctly that race cars are being designed to provide the driver the information they need in a consumable fashion that does not take their attention away from the task at hand. Driving the elio at posted speed limits probably doesn't require the same attention as a race car does but clearly the more attention the driver gives to the road instead of the instruments the better. Given my experience with digital dashes I think the elgin can do this.
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