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Elio Erks Me To No End


Elio Addict
Jul 24, 2014
Reaction score
Pacific, MO
absolutely .... a reason has been given for every delay so far .... granted, some explanations have been more detailed than others .... granted, EM has done a much better job of handling the dissemination of information on some delays than it has on others .... some posters here don't believe anything EM says, some posters here believe everything EM says .... some posters are convinced that they know more about everything related to Elio than the people who run the company .... so far as I've seen reported, none of them have demonstrated the ability to bring a project of the magnitude of EM from a dream to fruition, yet they firmly believe that they know everything that they can do it better .... some of the harshest critics often comment that they really want EM to succeed BUT ____ .... at first I tended to believe them BUT more and more I question it .....

That's the thing about the words, "but" and "however". I makes every statement before it null and void.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
I have purchased my share of pie in the sky and enough of it tasted very good. The Elio is without a doubt the best concept in the world right now. The production date is just slightly less fuzzy than the final price. Enjoy your dreams as the reality will be quite different.
Reid, Welcome to the forum from an Elio dreamer in New Mexico


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Is Elio….pie in the sky? Sure, some of it is.
Is Elio….A remarkable concept? You betcha.

I joined this process with my eyes wide open. I only invested money I could lose. If you don't hold fast to specific dates and understand this company is evolving before our eyes this company and it's story could be something we pass on to our grandchildren. Yep, I was involved in that project from the beginning. I took a chance.

There are too many bad things going on in our world today. Terrorists, beheadings and child molestation to name a few. The Elio Motor Company, with its minor struggles is a bright spot in human optimism and determination. Keep up the good work.

Is you glass half full or half empty ? It's all a matter of outlook.

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver
Hello Forum!
I'm new to the group, but have been following Elio for the past year. I'm intrigued by the vehicle and would like to own one, but I'm hesitate to put down a deposit. If you were me, would you do an "All In" reservation now or not?

Hi Dwarasim,

It all depends on your priorities, your finances, what you have to risk. The Elio is an "and" vehicle, so unless you live alone and seldom need a vehicle to carry more than 3 bags of items from a store, this vehicle is in addition to a bigger vehicle that you have already.

All things being equal, I don't know if I'd put an all-in $1000 right now. But there's several other forum members that might, it just depends. :)

All you can do is educate yourself. When you feel comfortable and ready, you'll put down your deposit, refundable or non-. It's up to you!
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