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Electra Meccanica (three Wheel Electric) Email-11/2/15

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
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I'm not sure how long the http://sondors.network/ website has been public or when it was last updated, but I saw a timeline there recently that laid out:

January 2019 -- $15M Series A fundraising
August 2019 -- Network Beta Testing
November 2019 -- Official Launch
TBA -- 750 Vehicles in Los Angeles

A Facebook post from late November 2018, presumably written by Storm himself, made reference to test drives in North America becoming available this upcoming May/June 2019 timeframe, which was the first public acknowledgement by the company, I believe, that the vehicles would not launch in April 2019 as originally planned.

Let's put it this way...
They were supposed to have a 2nd "Engineering/Pre-production" vehicle completed by July of last year. Testing and production tooling was to be done between then and the start of production in April of this year. To my knowledge there was no Series A fundraising in January of this year. The initial fundraiser (not A+) was for $1M two years ago. That $1M was used to build the first working prototype that was only to be used for show only. Then there was the first $2M leg of a $20 Reg A+. That was held between December 2017 and April 2018 and was supposed to fund the second prototype build. They extended that leg almost two additional months to the end of March 2018 and then immediately initiated a complete information blackout. They basically dropped off of the radar. Many people, including myself, found we could not invest in that round of the Reg A+ even during the extension. The message on the StartEngine site said that the proper notification paperwork had not been filed with our states. I believe they did not meet their minimum goal (whatever that was) for that leg, I believe that no funds were transferred to the company's account and I believe StartEngine refunded all monies for that leg. That belief is supported by the fact that there was never a report filed with the SEC about it. The $15M you speak of was supposed to be the second or third leg of the $20M Reg A+. In my mind, with no current active fundraisers, there are no funds and with no funds there is no progress other than continued testing of the first "showroom" prototype in Europe.
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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Just stretch it to tandem seating for two and a little more range... come on! So close...
There was a SOLO Twinn (2 seats in tandem) SOLO on the drawing board early on, but Kroll made the decision to go with the single seater ‘personal’ commuter. I had the SOLO Twinn render, but can’t find it. The slight stretch likely wouldn’t have added much cost or weight, making the added range an option. The SOLO Twinn would have been more functional and ‘doubled’ the interest. :) EMV’s chosen two seater (side by side) Sports Car model is the soon to be revealed Tofino. $50K MSRP as I recall.


Elio Addict
May 29, 2015
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Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
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I don't ask much in a car, after all I don't buy high end ride anyway much less brand new- but that new 2.0 SOLO has all the minimal features I like- side door pockets, decent, refined and car like dash, sound system, tilting steering wheel, adjustable seats, heat, a/c (?) . All I need is to call them if the 2.0 is available for test drive!
Yes on heat and AC. The SOLO is a sweet little package and I bet a hoot to drive!


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Your SOLO appears to be getting closer and closer! :)

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