There is no SOLO of the past. The SOLO is not a SOLO redo, but rather the SOLO is a Corbin Motors Sparrow redo. The SOLO specs simply have been refined during the initial 8 or 9 EMV Sparrow Builds and the following 40+- EMV SOLO Beta builds prior to releasing the final retail SOLO specs. Similar refinements were made on the Arcimoto, and likely be required on the Elio after building the first prototype. The SOLO not only looks better, base model features were added, and performance and handling has improved from the initial prototype builds.In the end, the Solo looks much better and much more appealing over anything Corbin and Solo did in the past. That right there will eliminate the home built look that Solo had for the interior and the whole Corbin. It might sell to the enthusiast but not to the masses. The Solo got it right. Elio got it right when the E series came out because it was more polished for the interior. As for the engine bay, complete home built. So, Roush will fix that issue too with the new engine.
Dash comparison of the Corbin Motor’s Sparrow, the Early SOLO prototype build, and the Retail Production SOLO:

I only hope Elio got it right, but I recall there was a Forum post way back, stating that the team of Elio prototype builders, had serious issues fitting parts. I doubt EM knows for certain they got it right until after track testing a completed prototype.
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