I appreciate when you posted this. I had been looking for very old totems from the NW for a particular reason.Here is the completed totem. First picture shows each section. Second picture show reflective beads put onto the red and white paints.
View attachment 24896
I probably should not say this, but you know how I am,...or did I ever mention this before? (I'm old, my stories are too)
The reason is that I seem to have seen some north western nature spirits at one point, and the figure just below the brown one is a cartoon version of (them). The colors are wrong, mouth incorrect, so maybe not the same elementals. It is a story unto itself as to how that can/did happen. Best for another thread.
I am not a 'sensitive', so that kind of event, the way it happened, probably could have happened to anyone.
(!no not shrooms! although, maybe that could help

Because people are weird, I will only post in a private message for people with a good, logical, but open mind-set.
(partial rationalist?, OK, partial agnostic? OK, partial believer? OK... Full on orthodox of anything esp institutional or cultish thinking? nope.)