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Boat Towing


Elio Addict
Jul 6, 2014
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Splendora, Tx
Can't find the reference but I do recall Paul making a statement that blind structural nuts would be provided all along both upper frame members. It was my understanding these would be maybe a foot apart from the windshield back on both sides. Also the wiring harness was designed to provide 12v power to anything mounted to the overhead. This was mentioned maybe 1.5 or 2 years ago. Wow I've been on this Forum a long time.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
" The Elio will have those attachment blind structural nuts"

Say what? Where did you see this? And where are they supposed to be?
I've never seen anything like that on the Elio, It could be great for some other applications too.
It was something Paul said several times. He said it would alternate blind structural nut, power point, blind structural nut, power point. He actually said it like that. I do wonder if that would still be the case with the stamped body structure vs. The roll cage setup though.


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
" The Elio will have those attachment blind structural nuts"

Say what? Where did you see this? And where are they supposed to be?
I've never seen anything like that on the Elio, It could be great for some other applications too.
Found it.

It will alternate power, nut every four inches on all four risks...top two and bottom two.:D

Here's the section.
Simon: A lot of companies are bringing technology into the car, whether it’s collision avoidance, or navigation, or a whole bunch of other stuff, referring to cars as “data factories” now. Do you see that as a way to bring, long term, the cost down for vehicles? Or it’s just more excess for bells and whistles you don’t really need?

Elio: We’re going the other way. We’re going to have no electronics in the car. Here’s my shtick on electronics. The cycle time for electronics is so much faster than the useful life of a vehicle.

I know a guy who’s got a three year old Maserati, and his son is badgering him to trade it in because the nav system sucks. It’s three years old, it’s out of date. He’s got a $90,000 car he’s dissatisfied with, because they integrated it and you can’t pull it out.

We are partnering with a company called Infinite Skyz. We’ll have a couple of partners doing similar things, and let the market decide what’s the best. You mount an iPad in there, and if you do the full Infinite Skyz package, it’s Internet-enabled.

You can start your car with your iPhone, it’s got accelerometers on it, so if somebody bumps your car, your phone vibrates. Then it’s got 360 degree cameras, you can look and see, “That was a shopping cart. I’m going to finish my dinner,” or “That’s a Suburban. Maybe I should go out to the parking lot.”

Or, if you’re a nurse working late, you can turn those cameras on and say, “There’s a creepy guy out there,” and go to Security, “Do you mind walking me to my car tonight? I don’t like the looks of that.” There’s all sorts of stuff they can do.

But because we didn’t integrate it, when the iPad 19 comes out, you can swap out your 18 for your 19, and your Elio stays relevant.

We look at our vehicle as an operating system. We want to build a rock-solid operating system, then all the options, including the electronics, are apps. We’re encouraging folks to do that.

On the vehicle, on the upper frame rails and the lower frame rails, it alternates — power point, blind structural nut, power point, blind structural nut — every four inches, on all four rails. What all these blind structural nuts and power points for? We have no earthly idea, but the American entrepreneur will figure it out. They’ll create all sorts of stuff that we can’t imagine.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
I like this part "What all these blind structural nuts and power points for? We have no earthly idea"

I haven't seen them in any of the pictures; but that doesn't mean they aren't there.
I don't think I want to go drilling holes all over the roof to find them; and that's if they were still included.
I haven't seen them on the frames either.
Since that talk/interview was from a year ago; it might have changed.
My first move would be to contact EM and ask them.
It be great if they were.


Elio Addict
Jul 21, 2015
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Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Just heard back from Elio about a luggage trailer, they aren't planning to build one themselves. And according to the response below, towing something, provided it's within their engineered towing capacity, will NOT just automatically void the warranty.
I am looking into this trailer from USA Trailer which weighs 153# with a max load of 300# hoping EM would pass this for warrenty.
download (2).jpg
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