Sailor Dog
Elio Addict
19 States & DC (Including the populous states of NY &California) (the ENTIRE west coast and Nevada, the ENTIRE South except for SC & Florida!) have universal helmet laws requirements (everyone wears a helmet). So glad that ELIO put so much energy into legislative efforts! Arcimoto overlooked something of major consequence and are now crying about it. WHY IS ELIO REQUIRED TO BE SO INCLUSIVE???...THIS IS ALL ABOUT BIZ!!! PENNY WISE POUND FOOLISH WAS ARCIMOTO!!!"Do I need to wear a helmet when driving an SRK?
Helmet laws vary by state, and a full-state-by-state analysis is pending. There will be no requirement for a helmet with the SRK in any state where helmets are not required for driving motorcycles. In addition, states like Oregon and California carry additional exemptions due to the enclosed form factor of the SRK."
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