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Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Those are all good points, JEBar, but there's one major difference here that makes these comments a bit more meaningful. This vehicle is still in the development phase. There is a chance, if we voice our concerns and suggestions to the people behind the project, that the end product will better meet our particular needs/wants.

while certainly possible, the reality is the visionaries behind each project are literally investing their lives in producing a vehicle based on their dreams .... they are all working within bounds of engineering, economics, and practicality .... it has been explained that Arcimoto has designed their trike to use handlebars so that it drives like a snowmobile .... at this stage of its development, telling them to scrap that is unrealistic .... I have to hand it to Arcimoto with their response to simply test drive their trike and evaluate it based on personal experience .... telling EM to scrap the Elgin or offer yellow have resulted in a take it or leave it response .... next month I hope to buy my wife a new Camaro .... I doubt that telling them I agree with an evaluation by a major industry magazine that the window post are too thick and that there isn't enough backseat leg room will cause GM to change their design ..... bottom line, its pretty much a take it or leave it proposition .... while I'm on my soapbox, I know I don't have what it takes to build my own company to produce vehicles like an Elio, Arcimoto, or any other .... consequently, I have little patience with armchair quarterbacks who choose to nitpick and/or sit back and deride the people who are out there trying to do what I can't ....

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
while certainly possible, the reality is the visionaries behind each project are literally investing their lives in producing a vehicle based on their dreams .... they are all working within bounds of engineering, economics, and practicality .... it has been explained that Arcimoto has designed their trike to use handlebars so that it drives like a snowmobile .... at this stage of its development, telling them to scrap that is unrealistic .... I have to hand it to Arcimoto with their response to simply test drive their trike and evaluate it based on personal experience .... telling EM to scrap the Elgin or offer yellow have resulted in a take it or leave it response .... next month I hope to buy my wife a new Camaro .... I doubt that telling them I agree with an evaluation by a major industry magazine that the window post are too thick and that there isn't enough backseat leg room will cause GM to change their design ..... bottom line, its pretty much a take it or leave it proposition .... while I'm on my soapbox, I know I don't have what it takes to build my own company to produce vehicles like an Elio, Arcimoto, or any other .... consequently, I have little patience with armchair quarterbacks who choose to nitpick and/or sit back and deride the people who are out there trying to do what I can't ....
Didn't your daughter just buy a new Camaro?

On another note...
So who's deriding again?
Was there something I missed?
That thing about patience...
What about with people who are simply expressing their opinion...
Much like yourself?

Anyway, absolutely... here's to the innovators!
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Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
Didn't your daughter just buy a new Camaro?

On another note...
So who's deriding again?
Was there something I missed?
That thing about patience...
What about with people who are simply expressing their opinion...
Much like yourself?

yep she sure did .... over the years my wife has owned 1 Vette and 2 Camaros .... the Vette was fine but she really like the Camaros .... both were totaled and both protected the occupants .... we flat out don't need an Elio or any other vehicles, there are 4 parked outside right now .... my wife has really enjoyed driving our daughter's and at our ages, why not get her one to enjoy .... pretty much the same theory for me an an Elio (just a whole bunch less expensive ) .
as to missed something, yep as well .... the message itself has been delivered via PM

expressing opinions (within the restraints of not inflaming, insulting, trolling in general) is fine so long as they are presented as opinions and not as facts is fine

wizard of ahs

Elio Addict
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Terre Haute, Indiana
A lot of good discussion here (will get to most of it eventually), but I want to address straight up the questions around switching controls to handlebars.

First - it's not a "motorcycle like driving experience." Two-wheeled motorcycles lean and counter-steer. This is much more like a very refined quad or snowmobile like driving experience. As we've dialed in the steering, we're landing on a system that's both easy to maneuver for tight turns (urban driving/parking) and very stable at speed. We're going to continue to polish the experience to take it from good to great as we iterate through the alpha, beta and pilot units.......

Once that 3rd wheel touches the ground, you are no longer riding..................your driving !!!


Elio Addict
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
On another note...
So who's deriding again?
So if you force a motorcyclist off his bike, are you deriding him?

Seriously, though, as someone who spent more than a few years trying to explain the vagaries of English to a non-native speaker (try explaining the difference between "drop off", "drop in", "drop by", etc) and reading the terms people have been unconsciously using in describing these 3-wheeled vehicles, what is the difference between "riding" and "driving"?

At this point, I see the difference between all these different vehicles as Betamax and VHS: Betamax was a technically superior solution (which is why TV stations adopted it) over VHS, but VHS had better marketing and got better deals with the studios. So let's wait until we actually have wheels on the ground. Then we can put the contestants into a mud pit, arm them with sporks, and see who comes out alive.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
We expect the Arcimoto SRK to have many fewer wear items than ICE vehicles, and to last substantially longer. I don't think a 300,000 mile vehicle is unreasonable, but over time we'll aim much higher.

In theory, I agree with that. 300k maybe a conservative number. But this is electronics, the quality and reliability follow the quality of the design and execution as a final product. If you 'pot' or weather seal all your connections, good, but if not, time can be the killer above mileage. So in the public mind these are unknown. At the moment people do not expect to keep a car over 10years, so the costs must fit that short life.

If EV's prove to be kept beyond 10 years, once they have in numbers, the expectation may go up.

For example, I had a 2007 Prius. The battery pack came into doubt for me. When it 'flips' only a reset at the dealer fixes it. A replacement cost would invest more than the car deserved, so that set a life limit of 7 years/ 120k miles on the car. I traded it in for a 2014 PriusC.

So this is the unknown, will a Acrimoto battery pack (and other replacements) be cheap enough to justify upgrade, and how long will all the electronics remain confident? For the Acrimoto and for EV's in general it's unknown or promissory. Especially unknown for these that cost less than Teslas do.


Elio Addict
Apr 15, 2015
Reaction score
Creedmoor, North Carolina
on the topic of side impact, an interesting point was made a good while back .... with its single rear wheel and light body weight, trikes like an Elio tend to give when hit from the side .... giving with the force can lessen the force of the impact .... certainly not any end-all but it is a point worth considering

Just like USS Constitution; Old Ironsides wasn't a tough ship because it was rigid. I was thinking that in a side impact, the autocycle will have more lateral movement than a heavier vehicle with more rubber on the ground. I guess we'll know rather soon.
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