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Apr 17, 2015 – Apr 19, 2015

Florida Guy

Elio Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
Truett, you are making assumptions and inferences on things you know little about. Because you do that what you say does not interest me at all....others agree?


Elio Aficionado
Nov 15, 2014
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I was educated to believe that if you took a job then BE ON TIME AND DO THE JOB.
Sorry Truett, you haven't had the Elio job so you have no idea what they do. But there is no excuse for one not doing their job.
Anyway, with 4 or 5 in the crew there is NO EXCUSE for someone not being with the Elio at all hours the event is open.


Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
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Lil4x, it sure is nice to read your view of Elio reps being off during a well attended show. You have expressed my feeling even more eloquently than I could have. Thanks for the support. Perhaps Elio will respond.

Best approach is to contact EM directly & explain what happened.
There may be a plausible explanation as to why the booth
wasn't manned when you arrived.....At the bottom of their home page: http://www.eliomotors.com/
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Elio Addict
Jul 6, 2014
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Splendora, Tx
Afraid I'm with Florida Guy on this one. Being open 9 to 5 when you're potential customers work 9 to 5 is the dumbest thing ever. To get the most bang for your buck the Elio exhibition should be open every minute possible. If the road crew can't do that they may need more people. I know they're worn out from the mad dash from NYC but still if you're going to do it then do it 100%.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
Afraid I'm with Florida Guy on this one. Being open 9 to 5 when you're potential customers work 9 to 5 is the dumbest thing ever. To get the most bang for your buck the Elio exhibition should be open every minute possible. If the road crew can't do that they may need more people. I know they're worn out from the mad dash from NYC but still if you're going to do it then do it 100%.
How right you are !, refreshing to say the least, I too was thinking along the same lines. My two close friends work 2nd shift, and I think the booth should be open, of at least a few hours after 12 a.m.to accommodate their needs. It really makes me mad how EM does not consider 2nd shift workers in planning their show hours. You're insights are most welcome. Keep the faith, EM reads our posts and just might consider a 24 hour schedule so that anyone, anytime can see this machine close and upfront!!


Elio Addict
Apr 26, 2014
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Houston, Republic of Texas
So we have one more who has never been on the road for a job......try it sometime and you might come away with a little education of what it takes to do so.

And you sound like one who works a little as possible and demands premium wages, try a job that keeps you on the road 7 days a week and you might get a small idea of what it entails.
I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I've had no experience on the road. I've put on shows, taught classes, and videoed hundreds of locations from Anchorage to Stavanger to Dubai and just about every wide spot in the road in between. When you get the call, you are like the volunteer fire brigade - My standard question for my customers was, "Do you have an airport?" Sometimes the answer was "no". You go anyway; anytime, anywhere.

Very early on I was taught the "service company discipline". "You don't have days off, only those times when your customers don't need you." Those can be rare. I always had my personal phone number on my business card and was not surprised to be awakened in the middle of the night by a customer halfway around the world who finding himself in a jam, came across my card in his Rolodex. Knowing what was riding on my minimally qualified response, I'd go downstairs and dig out my service manuals, textbooks, eighty years of catalogs and "best practices" references to help find his answer. If it meant rolling a colleague out of bed a couple of time zones away for a conference call, I knew he had the same work ethic I did and would willingly come to my rescue. That's what a service company does - you work when and where your customer needs you - no questions or complaints. If you don't like it, find work in a shoe store or go flip burgers somewhere. It's a whole lot less stressful.

I spent a good 30+ years on the road - well 40, if you include my earliest shooting assignments. I've lived in a couple of luxury hotels but more often in the back of my car for days - before hitting the road for my next location. I've covered clients in dozens of industries from oil and gas to defense industries, manufacturing, banking, retail, franchise, petrochemical and agribusinesses. Seldom do these folks work in nice places - not out where the money is made. A friend once complained that "Oil and gas are God's way of saying 'I'm sorry' for not putting anything else in some parts of the world." He was right.

I think I've had an "education" - if that can be defined as 40 years of looking at a large part of the world through a viewfinder, dealing with clients, executives and local field workers. I've taught technical seminars from remote offshore platforms and major college engineering schools, working from my thin pastiche of knowledge on rather narrow subject matter. The funny thing about it was that I loved the job. . . and I actually miss it today. Over the years I've had to learn to keep my wits about me, do my best to take care of my clients, and be as kind as possible to a few inevitable trolls. ;)


Elio Addict
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Morgantown, wv
The Elio travel team did the right thing as they covered the hours they was suppose too. However, I do agree Paul should think about requiring the team to be there as long as the show is open to the public. Not just due to potential customers, but investors as well.


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
My observation(s)
The venue didn't seem the best to show-off the E.
Surrounded by big buck toys, and the instant gratification of buying them, the E was a novelty, with no real home. Overheard part EM pitch -about folks who couldn't get to a job because they couldn't afford cheap, reliable transportation, rang hollow in toy land.
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Elio Aficionado
Apr 1, 2015
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My observation(s)
The venue didn't seem the best to show-off the E.
Surrounded by big buck toys, and the instant gratification of buying them, the E was a novelty, with no real home. Overheard part EM pitch -about folks who couldn't get to a job because they couldn't afford cheap, reliable transportation, rang hollow in toy land.
I agree that this event was not the best venue to sell reservations. The focus at the event should have been on investors. Rich car fanatics would be ideal candidates for investing.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
I agree that this event was not the best venue to sell reservations. The focus at the event should have been on investors. Rich car fanatics would be ideal candidates for investing.

hopefully the tour is working to attract both potential buyers and investors
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