Hi AriLea, I hate to be such a nuisance.. the guy got back to me on it.. if you could just prepare a shell.. no glass, no details ( no mirrors) and just a simple axle to connect the wheel covers and visible 1/2 of the wheels it would help .
I have been working with Sketch up this week and had a hard enough time with basic boxes. ( kitchen remodel).
I can't even imagine complex curves and surfaces.. thanks so much for all you are doing!
OK DS, this version I just did, is an external only, has the mirrors and windows, but all holes sealed up. Most everything out of view is just air.
This is a little different from 'no windows and no mirrors' (which doesn't make 100% sense to me, but OK). So for compliance to your request, I need to know if the interior, seats, dash and such should be kept. Then I assume the mirrors and windows would be removed, and the interior parts must be attached to something, ie connected to the body shell. These choices will not take much time at this point. Just a new upload to the warehouse.