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Friday Blog Is Out

Johnny Acree

Elio Addict
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
How is 3 Greater Than 4?
November 1, 2019

Happy Friday Elio’ers! As you can probably imagine, we receive quite a bit of feedback about the design of the vehicle. For this, we are grateful, and the feedback that we receive from fans has made a difference! One common piece of feedback we hear is “Why not put two wheels in the rear of the vehicle, making it a four-wheel car?” It’s definitely an interesting thought, but we believe that 3 is actually greater than 4.

Math aside, today we will revisit how we believe 3>4


Our three-wheel configuration saves Elio owners in a multitude of ways. For one, having three wheels as opposed to four makes the vehicle more affordable because fewer components result in fewer costs. One fewer wheel results in a more affordable vehicle for Elio owners. Also, our three-wheeled designation means we will be insured as a motorcycle, further saving Elio Motors customers.


We’ve all been there. You’re sitting in stop-and-go traffic, gritting your teeth and punching your steering wheel as you watch vehicles sail by in the HOV lane. As the Elio will be classified as either an autocycle or motorcycle, you’ll be able to join the serenity of the HOV lane. Not only that, but you won’t have to negotiate what you’re playing on the radio, like some in the carpool lane, because you can cruise the diamond lane by yourself (or have much easier access to the radio…).


Fads seem to work their way into just about every industry. Remember those silver, sleek flip phones that only a decade ago were the epitome of cool? It goes without saying that fads come and go with an impressive frequency. The Elio has many unique features, but one of the most recognizable is our three-wheeled configuration. Our configuration is unique and timeless. With front-wheel drive, traction and stability control, and the Elio Safety Management System the Elio can be unique and timeless without having to sacrifice safety.

Mathematicians may disagree, for now, but we firmly believe that in terms of the Elio, 3 is greater than 4. Our configuration makes the vehicle more affordable, saves time in the HOV lane, and makes for a distinct vehicle.

Thanks for your support and have a great weekend!


Elio Addict
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
DC area
New!! The lights are on!!

Booboo, ‘the reason we’re able to keep the base price no (low) is by not producing.’

Or: ‘We lose money on everyone we plan on selling, but will make it up on ‘volume.’


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
Elio did some changing on this blog:

Replaced this:
"How 3 > 4"

With this:
"How is 3 Greater Than 4?"

Replaced this:
"August 11, 2017"

With this:
"November 1, 2019"

Deleted this:
"Baseball might be our nation’s official pastime, but it’s generally understood that football has emerged as the most popular sport in the country. If you happen to enjoy football, you’re in luck as the NFL’s preseason has officially kicked off and the start of college football is just around the corner. Preseason just isn’t as entertaining as when the games actually make a difference in the standings, but the fact that football is back is enough for many football fans. Public service announcement for those of you that enjoy fantasy football: Now is the time to hit the books and identify the sleeper pick that will allow you to emerge victorious!"

Replaced this pic:

With this:

Someone is reading the blogs because they deleted that one paragraph as it would be hard to explain that NFL preseason has kicked off and college season is around the corner, when it's November 1. They could have pulled this line from the Nov 3,2017 blog to replace it with:
"Happy Friday Elio’ers! If you happen to be a baseball fan, you have to be pretty pleased about the most recent couple of World Series".

Johnny Acree

Elio Addict
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
Answers to “Bright” Questions
November 8, 2019

Happy Friday Elio’ers! A previous, popular Momentum was all about the exterior lighting on the Elio and it created some great discussion and questions. This week we will revisit the topic!

First, how about some fun facts about automotive lighting?

The very first headlamps, introduced in the late 1880s, used either acetylene or oil as the energy source. The costs of both sources were quite high, so few motorists had the opportunity to drive when the sun was down. The first electric-powered headlights hit the market in 1898 and were featured on the Columbia Electric Car. That’s right- the first electric headlights were invented in the 19th century on an electric car!

Despite its introduction, electric headlights were not immediately commonplace for a couple of reasons. First, driving an automobile at the time as not exactly a smooth ride and was tough on the filaments. Also, it was hard to produce a light that was small enough for an automobile that could provide the necessary power.

The modern electrical system was introduced by Cadillac in 1912, and from there headlights became more universal. Still, it wasn’t until 1945 that headlights and turn signals were considered the standard in American vehicles. We’ve come a long way since 1898 and it’s almost inconceivable to think that driving at night was once impossible!

As we mentioned, quite a few questions came in about the Elio’s exterior lighting after the Momentum. Here they are:

In the Momentum, you mentioned the Elio will be using a 120 amp alternator. Is that just for lighting purposes?

We have decided to go with a 120 amp alternator to satisfy the power demands of our vehicle, not just to drive but also to provide enough power for possible options!

Will there be options for lights on the fenders to increase visibility?

It depends on demand. At this time, we are not planning to offer them through our ePlus option program. However, if we do not offer this option, we anticipate that the aftermarket will provide.

If you don’t offer LED lights as standard equipment, will they be available as an option?

We are working with our suppliers to determine if the option is viable. Please stay tuned, as we will share this information in the future!

Are fog lights a possibility?

Absolutely! We do plan on offering fog lights as an option through ePlus.

Will there be daytime running lights?

At this stage, we do not plan on offering daytime running lights as standard equipment. But, you will be able to keep the lights on manually during the day.

Is the cover for the headlights made of glass or plastic?

Plastic! Plastic covers have been the standard for the last 30 years or so.

Thanks for your support and have a great weekend!


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
Papillion, NE
It would be nice to get one new blog by Christmas letting us know the current state of things... "Hey guys. Thanks for hanging in there. I'm still working on getting financing and until that happens, I'm afraid all we can manage is sending out the Blogs. It's a wait and see situation right now. I'm still working on it and am not throwing in the towel any time soon. I'll let you guys know as soon as I can about any change on the funding front. Till then, stay strong!"

I wanted to add a quick note that what is in quotes is strictly from my brain and is, in no way, to be attributed to Elio.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
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Battle Ground WA
It would be nice to get one new blog by Christmas letting us know the current state of things... "Hey guys. Thanks for hanging in there. I'm still working on getting financing and until that happens, I'm afraid all we can manage is sending out the Blogs. It's a wait and see situation right now. I'm still working on it and am not throwing in the towel any time soon. I'll let you guys know as soon as I can about any change on the funding front. Till then, stay strong!"

I wanted to add a quick note that what is in quotes is strictly from my brain and is, in no way, to be attributed to Elio.
Any time I have talked to them, that's pretty much what they say. Why they can't say it on the blog is beyond me. But I'll ask them again.

Johnny Acree

Elio Addict
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
The Elio Appeal
November 15, 2019

To whom does the Elio appeal?

New ideas spark new conversations. At Elio Motors, our vehicle is an instant conversation starter. The inquiries are often wide-ranging, from the number of wheels and seats to more technical, engineering questions. Questions will often involve our expected market and to which segment of the car-buying population the Elio most appeals. As you can imagine, this area of questioning is interesting because we believe there will be many. In today’s blog from the archives we will take a look at one market segment that we anticipate being a perfect match, commuters.

The average American spends 26 minutes per day each way driving to work. The average daily commute has increased 20 percent in duration since 1980. Of all commuters, about 1/4 travel between 16 and 30 miles, while over 10 percent drive upwards of 30 miles to get to work. Americans are increasingly driving further and spending more time just getting to and from work.

Why is the Elio appealing to commuters? The most obvious reason is the superior gas mileage. Let’s suppose a commuter drives 25 miles one-way to work, their vehicle gets 20 MPG, and gas prices are $2.50 a gallon. Over the course of a year, this commuter will spend $1,625 on gasoline. In an Elio, at up to 84 MPG, this same commuter will spend $386 on gasoline. In this scenario, the driver of the Elio will save approximately $1,240 a year in fuel expenses.

There are additional, less obvious reasons the Elio is attractive to commuters. The clear majority of Americans, approximately 76%, commute to work alone. As the Elio will be classified as either a motorcycle or an autocycle, it will be eligible for HOV lane access in most states. This can save Elio drivers a significant amount of time, not to mention white-knuckled frustration.

The Elio also offers reliability and can save on maintenance costs. Commuter cars on the road are old and getting older, and can require costly unplanned maintenance. With a 3-year, 36,000 mile bumper-to-bumper warranty, the Elio can be used for commutes, giving older vehicles a break from daily wear and tear.

One of our supporters, Mike P, was freshly graduated from college when he received a job offer in a competitive field. One major drawback was the distance from his home to his new employer: just over 30 miles. Lacking the resources to purchase a new vehicle, Mike drives his gas-guzzling SUV to and from work, which is one of his family’s largest expenditures. As a mega-commuter, the Elio is attractive to Mike not only for the great gas mileage but for the low base price. With the Elio, Mike can afford to keep his SUV for his growing family and afford to drive his Elio for commuting.

The Elio is appealing to many different segments of the car-buying population for a multitude of reasons. For commuters, they anxiously await a fun-to-drive and economical solution to use as their 5-day-a-week workhorse.

Johnny Acree

Elio Addict
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
Who Are the Reservation Holders?
November 22, 2019

Happy Friday Elio’ers! ]Sometimes when we’re talking all things Elio (which we’ve been known to do) a great question comes up from a reservation holder or someone who has just found out about us that sparks the idea for a blog. A while ago we received an email from Charles M. asking who are our reservation holders and who do we expect to be Elio customers in the future. This got us to thinking, what makes people interested in Elio Motors? This blog from the archives provides an answer!

It’s cliché, we know, but we really believe the Elio is for just about everybody. Our reservation holders are a pretty varied group, and all sorts of different folks are represented in the Elio Motors family. Here’s a look at some of the main types of reservation holders.

The Commuters

The daily commute is a drag and an expensive drag at that. We have many reservations who endure long commutes and want something that’s more fuel-efficient, affordable, and even HOV eligible. Commuters and Elio are a perfect match.

The Riders

We have quite a few reservation holders who are both current and former motorcycle enthusiasts. What attracts them to Elio? They like the idea of being able to drive their autocycle in all conditions. Through torrential storms and scorching heat, the riders love the idea of being able to avoid the elements in their Elio.

The Patriots

There is a strong contingent of Elio reservation holders who believe that American manufacturing is incredibly important. This group believes in what we’re doing by building the Elio in the United States and targeting 90% utilization of North American content. USA, all the way!

The Green Team

No, we’re not talking about the Green Bay Packers. At up to 84 MPG, the Elio is incredibly alluring to people who want to limit their carbon footprint. And, in a more literal sense, if green is your favorite color, you’re also in luck!

The Trendsetters

There are many things that make the Elio different than any other vehicle. The configuration, concept, and distinctive styling are obvious, but there are things like the way we plan on offering options through ePlus and unique financing options. The trendsetters are drawn to the uniqueness of Elio and we’re happy to have them on board!

Many current and future reservation holders find out about us because of you, our supporters, and the fact that you spread the word about us. Please continue to spread the word- we can’t tell you how much we appreciate it!

Thanks again for your support!
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