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Tough Sell?


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
The cost of 100 cards would be less than $5 when ordered in large quantities. If 2000 people picked up their Elios at the factory that would be 200,000 cards. If only 10% of them get handed out to people who are interested enough in the Elio to stop and talk to the driver that would mean that 20,000 people would have the basic info about the Elio, web site, and picture right in their hot, sweaty little hand. Someone in the advertising business will have to give me a professional opinion to the contrary before I will believe that the value of that will not be enormous to the company. The cost of the cards would come out of the advertising budget and would not increase the cost of the cars. Anyway, while it will be fun to be driving the first Elio in the neighborhood there is a value to having more of them on the road. More aftermarket stuff will be available. Insurance companies will be more likely to give lower rates if they become common. If Elio folds after the first 100,000 or so are produced the value of the car will drop because too many were made to make the car rare but parts and service will soon become a problem. I want my cards and if Elio won't make them I will put my artistic talents to work and make them myself. Believe me, Elio will be sorry if that happens! ;-)
ELIO is making new cards right now and I expect to be receiving them soon


Elio Addict
Jun 23, 2015
Reaction score
Warrenton, MO
I hope someone at Elio motors reads this thread and decides to provide buyers who pick up their autocycles at the factory with copies of Ekh's elevator talk. A 3x5 card with the text on one side and a picture of the Elio on the other. I intend to pick up my elio and drive it back to Nebraska. I expect to be stopped several times by people who have questions about the Elio and it would be handy to just give them a card with the basics on it. Not instead of polite answers to their questions but in addition. As a stock holder I have a vested interest in the success of the company and this might help turn a few people on to the Elio. Larryboy

I intend to pick up ;my car at the factory and drive back to MO. Maybe we could travel together for a couple of days.


Elio Addict
Jun 23, 2015
Reaction score
Warrenton, MO
I have recommended various products to friends and family, however, only after I have used the product for awhile to warrant and verify my personal satisfaction and recommendation. None of us have driven or experienced the Elio. So we all assume a solid fit and finish build quality, outstanding performance, handling, comfort, reliability, and safety that would compell us to simply recommend the Elio to others?

I've never purchased a new vehicle without the help of JD Power's, Consumer Reports, and an actual test drive. Have most of you? Curious.

I bought a Subaru Brat under a street light in Bakersfield CA one night.. In daylight, it was apparent that it had been run hard across the desert. I sold it two years later because it was just too rough to ride.


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I bought a Subaru Brat under a street light in Bakersfield CA one night.. In daylight, it was apparent that it had been run hard across the desert. I sold it two years later because it was just too rough to ride.
I can't afford to make a major purchase without doing some research............which my wife calls analysis paralysis.
As a result I am most often happy with the purchase. No impulse buying for me except the candy counter at the grocery store checkout lane.

I do have a reservation deposit on an Elio, a vehicle I've never seen beyond prototypes and marketing hype, but with that said, after the actual test drive I may not buy it.


Elio Addict
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
The card idea may have some merit. If we get a lot of attention while driving our Elios then it might help explain the vehicle better than just word of mouth. It very well could sell more Elios and that should help the stock price go up! I am interested in Elio becoming a huge success and the stock price increasing!


Elio Addict
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
On Vashon Island
I mentioned it awhile back, the card should reflect the list I had when traveling with my kids-
i.e. we're almost there, we'll stop to pee in 5 miles, stop fighting with your sister-

Yes, its three wheels, no need for a helmet
Yes, made in the USA
yes, only one door, no rearview mirror, ICE,
If you want- she'll sit behind you
yes, but there's 50k people ahead of you
yes, 84 mpg
yes base price $6800.00
Yes, that's the stock beautiful dash-
yes it comes in more colors
Nope, go to their store to test drive one.
BTW all this chatter for a few bucks of cards-FOTFLMAO. Is this what it's become??
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