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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Vail, AZ
Hello all! This is my first time posting. I went $1000 all-in Sept. 29th, and am currently waiting for my production #. I'm really looking forward to the Elio. It's gonna be my courtship car :)
DWood, congratulations on your reservation and welcome to the forum. Here you will find the latest information on the development and production of the Elio. We try to keep the forum informative, friendly, and entertaining. We look forward to your questions, comments, and opinions. Enjoy both the journey and the experience.


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
I'm all in for $100 and am considering upgrading. How do I find my reservation number?
I think we didn't answer this very well. You get something like a notification number in an email when you put in your $100 reservation. Then when you upgrade to $1000 you get a spot-in-line number on the day of , a posting schedule.
If you can't find that original number you can contact them with your name and email, they will look you up and let you know.
That's how it worked for me.
If you don't have your original email anymore, or made some mistake on that email, look up your transaction number from the bank and give them that and the date of purchase. It should all work out.


Elio Addict
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score

this is CRITICAL if we are all going to get our new little "Red Wagon" for Christmas !

I still firmly believe they are letting one of the BEST resources they have sit waisting away ..US !


quickly get into place a referral system/plan that rewards US, reservationists/investors, a way to get a small non-refundable prize for every person we get to put down a deposit !

I firmly believe there is NO REASON why every one of the 36,000 reservationists cannot convince someone to also put down a deposit ! Have someone at ElioMobile create and have printed up the boxes of referral cards !

I will GLADLY pay the cost and shipping of the cards ! This will actually "cost" Elio NOTHING !

Sure, once we all have vehicles it will be easy ! BUT WE AIN'T GOT THE CARS (YET) !!

As we approach 2015 and the deadlines come and go, there will be some reservationists asking for refunds !

word will get out, Elio is failing to meet it's goals !


WE cannot be an ostrich and stick our heads in the sand !

we MUST get ready to fight for our future to make this HAPPEN ! so close !

here in the Caribbean I am selling my little Yamaha TW200's I had brought down to open a shop. I purchased about 40 of them three years ago, all used average price was $1500. I am now reselling for
about $2000.

I am losing money, because I have to recover shipping x2 (to Miami then to the Caribbean), import duty,
about 20 hours PER BIKE to completely strip down and clean and polish and repaint every bike, rebuild every carburetor, etc

I also give a full 30 day COMPLETE warranty !

but what the hell, I am having fun !

I tell EVERY PERSON who inquires about my $2000. bikes about the ElioMobile ! In just a few years they will be able to own a fully enclosed air conditioned three wheel motorcycle for under $10,000.00 !

I can picture these small fun-colored three wheelers on all these narrow roads in the Caribbean Islands !

each one of us has a "vision" , where the ElioMobile is the center around which people are celebrating this new transportation .

we ALL need to hit the streets, type those keyboards, get this project constant media attention !!!


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Elio Addict
Mar 4, 2014
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Sutherlin, OR
Not sure I understand. If you believe, why do you Need a prize or cookie to promote something you Believe in? Personally, I think the value of your "sell pitch" to any friend, interest, etc will carry a lot more value and honesty if they didn't feel like you were trying to earn a "Prize"?? For what its worth, Elio has already provided everyone with electronic cards and fliers. If you were willing to pay shipping, why not just print them out and do your part? I am certain (and have read on this forum) Many are already doing this with there only reward being the hope for a completion of this project for All not a trivial reward. If you believe, as we do, your reward will be the start of production.
My point exactly, Blackbird. I absolutely love promoting the Elio. I get a good feeling every time someone gets excited about it also. That is all the reward I need. My other reward? My Elio when I get it and what a reward!!! :-) Z


Elio Addict
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
I just had a DISH system installed last month.

DISH a BILLION $ Company !

they are pushing hard their referral program. $50.00 !!

I have the Elio Bumper Sticker on my Yamaha TW200 !

I have shown( no exaggeration) at least 50 people pictures on my IPhone .

B UT if I had a card to hand out with my ElioID # for a small referral kickback I would do it every day !

YOUR CHOICE, if you don't think a payback referral system is a good idea, then would you mind if they approve it if I sent you a box of my cards to hand out ?? I am retired and have nothing but time on my hands,( ) living here where it is currently 78 degrees at 1:30 am )

I have already picked out a spot in Town where the Ferries come over from STT and over 2 MILLION visitors come to the Island every year. I will have an Elio parked on display when I come to Town, and leaving a "looped" CD playing in side the vehicle giving out all the information continuously …

IF this helps me to pay for a vehicle (for FREE) then yippee !

this plus YOUR referral points I am SET ! THANK YOU !

small waves breaking down below on the beach


Caribbean EmilloMobile


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
My point exactly, Blackbird. I absolutely love promoting the Elio. I get a good feeling every time someone gets excited about it also. That is all the reward I need. My other reward? My Elio when I get it and what a reward!!! :) Z
To be honest, I think I'll be more back into the swing of promotions after Jan1. Not that I won't talk my head off anytime I get a chance. I still have my own business cards with a pic of my car AND the Elio, with all the web information plus the $6800/84mpg on it. I hand it out anytime I 'get that feeling'.
I figure if the person you are talking at, is just being polite, the card may go on into the hands of someone who is more interested.
Also, 'later this year' sounds much more interesting than 'late next year'. The Engine being done will play out much better too.
In any case, the Tech-Talks always give me recent points to make.
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