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Invitation Only Event La Area


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
It was a very informal affair and it was great to see what the other Elio "all-inners" looked like.
  • View attachment 5900

  • For me the best part was meeting Paul and getting some one on one time with him. The good news is that I'm convinced the Elio is going to happen but when, I don't know. I'm just going to relax and plan my cross country trip from Shreveport to Los Angeles.

outstanding .... truly outstanding .... I'm a firm believer in the value of impressions gained from personal contact ... thanks for reporting


Elio Addict
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, so what did they look like? (The "All Inners?) Did you actually talk to Paul, or did you just get a handshake and the canned dialog I'm sure he has practiced many times.

Like I said it was informal. I just walked up to Paul, introduced myself and told him how much I loved the car. After that it was just a cocktail party chat for about five minutes until someone else approached. As I drifted off Paul stopped me, shook my hand and told me how important we all were to the company's success. It was very sincere and I feel honored to have met him.


Elio Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2014
Reaction score
Fallbrook, Ca.
Free beer, free beer, and free food. (Had 2 beers) No new info. Had a smoke with Jerome. Said Hey to Paul. Talked to some of the Elio minions. Watched a newsie take a test drive. I did not get ANY info I haven't seen on this blog. One guy had green hair & I think it was not an Elio thing, just a typical LA dude.
Lots and lots of grey hair. (Need a poll on Elio age group?) Fun time but had hoped for some earth shattering announcement. Nutso place to have this event. No parking and right by LAX so traffic was hell. Overall I am ahead of most of you. I have a t-shirt, 2 beers, and some food for my $1,000.
Sorry but my pictures are nothing you haven't seen before


Elio Addict
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction score
I attended the Invitation Only Event in the LA Area and had a good time. I wore a name tag I had made showing my avatar picture with my name and “elioowners.com” on it. I did not see any other elioowners tags. My tag was noticed by Bliokart and Robert7841. All three of us met, talked, and had a good time.

Below is what I learned.

When changing the rear tire, of course the lug nuts will be on one side. The black panel on that side will be hinged to permit access to the wheel.

The P5 color may not be blue. It may be some other color as determined by the reservationists. This is from the workers who said they hoped it would not be black since black shows dirt very much. (Remember they are the ones responsible for keeping it sparkling clean for the tours.)

The P5 will have two hood latches. The CAD drawing simply left them off.

Because of 506(c), they have almost half of the development money. Money is still continuing to come in.

I told Paul Elio there is a story of Elio Motors losing funding because they were late to secure a manufacturing site due to a lawsuit initiated by a Caddo Parish commissioner. I asked him if this was true. He indicated most of the story is not true but did not go into details and I did not press him of the subject. Bliokart may remember more than I. He has a good memory.

The new funding program, crowd funding, will be announced June 19.

The P5's engine will have variable valve timing.

Optional items may be installed at the plant. Example: If 9 people want cloth seats and 1 wants leather. Cloth seats will be installed at the plant and one leather seat will swapped at the marshaling center. If 9 people want leather seats and 1 wants cloth, then leather seats will be installed at the plant and one cloth seat will be swapped at the marshaling center.

For the first 45 days, enough people to staff two shifts will be working together on one shift. They will start at 70% of capacity and increase to 100% capacity by end of the 45 day period. For the next 45 days, these two groups of people will split up and operate two shifts. Once again they will start at 70% and increase to 100% by the end of that 45 day period. At day 90, they are expecting to be at 1000 per day (100%) which is a yearly rate of 250,000 per year, and remain at that rate. They are expecting to produce essentially 250,000 vehicles during their first 12 months.

The satellite marshaling centers around the country are to be handled by a contracting company. Paul Elio refrained from naming it, saying it is on the stock exchange. The first marshaling center will be at the plant, with one of its purposes to determine how marshaling centers should be built and operated.

My impression about Paul Elio is: 1. He is very smart. 2. He works hard. 3. He thinks big.

I wish Zelio was still here. She was such a classy lady.
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Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Easthampton, MA

For the first 45 days, enough people to staff two shifts will be working together on one shift. They will start at 70% of capacity and increase to 100% capacity by end of the 45 day period. For the next 45 days, these two groups of people will split up and operate two shifts. Once again they will start at 70% and increase to 100% by the end of that 45 day period. At day 90, they are expecting to be at 1000 per day (100%) which is a yearly rate of 250,000 per year, and remain at that rate. They are expecting to produce essentially 250,000 vehicles during their first 12 months....

Those optimistic projections for 250k per year always unsettled me. I hope there is a viable plan 'B' where 50k cars per year will make the company viable until export markets open up and Elio just never mentions it because it wouldn't be good for marketing. I just don't see that demand in USA for 250k per year.

Thomas Maule

Elio Addict
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
San Antonio, Tx
Those optimistic projections for 250k per year always unsettled me. I hope there is a viable plan 'B' where 50k cars per year will make the company viable until export markets open up and Elio just never mentions it because it wouldn't be good for marketing. I just don't see that demand in USA for 250k per year.

I don't think that is too high when you consider that it is essentially a brand new, ultra-affordable money saver, with almost no competition on launch (for a similar price)... I think they will sell like hotcakes just because its so easy to buy one and make the case that it can benefit almost anyone....


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
I don't think that is too high when you consider that it is essentially a brand new, ultra-affordable money saver, with almost no competition on launch (for a similar price)... I think they will sell like hotcakes just because its so easy to buy one and make the case that it can benefit almost anyone....

agree .... I believe that EM's potential market is huge, how long it will take to produce sufficient vehicles to take care of that market is open to question ....


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
Reaction score
Loveland OH
Those optimistic projections for 250k per year always unsettled me. I hope there is a viable plan 'B' where 50k cars per year will make the company viable until export markets open up and Elio just never mentions it because it wouldn't be good for marketing. I just don't see that demand in USA for 250k per year.

Eric's view of future demand --

My guess is demand will exceed 250K per year within 3 years of startup. It may rise to three or four hundred thou in 5 years, depending on the price of gas. Fleet sales will account for a good portion of that as municipalities see that the car really does work and really is cheap to buy and maintain. Exports will be a big part of the business within 5 years, and most of the business within 10 years -- though the relatively large family sizes elsewhere in the world may slow that down.

(I I can just see an Elio with roof rack and trailer hitch with a family of 8 clinging to it in some place like Cambodia. If you've ever seen 5 on a motor scooter, I guess the elio would be a huge step up)

Elio Amazed

Elio Addict
Jun 30, 2014
Reaction score
Those optimistic projections for 250k per year always unsettled me. I hope there is a viable plan 'B' where 50k cars per year will make the company viable until export markets open up and Elio just never mentions it because it wouldn't be good for marketing. I just don't see that demand in USA for 250k per year.
A very good observation.

After seeing the recent sequence of events, I'm not all that concerned at this point.
I think that two shifts together at the start will be contingent on the # of reservations.
I believe that they'll try to have backup plans for everything they do from here on out.
After lessons learned, I suspect EM worked on, and continues to work on, plans B thru G.
There's nothing saying that they can't start with one shift and execute plan A at a later date.

As far as the optomistic projections, you have to remember that many here are the choir.
But the sermon and prophecies contained therein may indeed prove to be true.
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