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Reservations: 65341 As Of 6/20/2017


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
at a mere 250 vehicles produced per day (the line could put out one truck every 52 seconds though we ran it at 54 seconds when I was there), it'll only take 16 production days to hit the 4,000 mark. They'll produce 5,000 a month easily once they get moving and it will take very little time for everyone on the line to learn their 52 second job. Assuming the suppliers can keep up, Elio could be running pretty fast very soon. I'd guess I'll get mine by week 6 but it could take a little to get the logistics train caught up. I'll give them 8 weeks to get to mine... #3898.

Attendance has probably dropped because there just isn't much to talk about at this point that isn't run into the ground already here. Seriously, think something up, search for it and see how much it's already been talked about. When the engine runs, recheck attendance. The amount of people on here doesn't indicate that people are"walking away", just that they are tired of guessing, conjecturing, and predicting... Well, that's my take, anyway.
16 days to reach 4,000. Yet you think it will take 8 weeks to get to #3898? How's that work?


Elio Addict
Apr 12, 2014
Reaction score
at a mere 250 vehicles produced per day (the line could put out one truck every 52 seconds though we ran it at 54 seconds when I was there), it'll only take 16 production days to hit the 4,000 mark. They'll produce 5,000 a month easily once they get moving and it will take very little time for everyone on the line to learn their 52 second job. Assuming the suppliers can keep up, Elio could be running pretty fast very soon. I'd guess I'll get mine by week 6 but it could take a little to get the logistics train caught up. I'll give them 8 weeks to get to mine... #3898.

Attendance has probably dropped because there just isn't much to talk about at this point that isn't run into the ground already here. Seriously, think something up, search for it and see how much it's already been talked about. When the engine runs, recheck attendance. The amount of people on here doesn't indicate that people are"walking away", just that they are tired of guessing, conjecturing, and predicting... Well, that's my take, anyway.

If your calculations are correct, I'll see you at the factory Ty, since our Elios should come off the line the same day.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
16 days to reach 4,000. Yet you think it will take 8 weeks to get to #3898? How's that work?

there you go again .... trying to confuse things by actually reading a post ....

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver
at a mere 250 vehicles produced per day (the line could put out one truck every 52 seconds though we ran it at 54 seconds when I was there), it'll only take 16 production days to hit the 4,000 mark. They'll produce 5,000 a month easily once they get moving and it will take very little time for everyone on the line to learn their 52 second job. Assuming the suppliers can keep up, Elio could be running pretty fast very soon. I'd guess I'll get mine by week 6 but it could take a little to get the logistics train caught up. I'll give them 8 weeks to get to mine... #3898.

Attendance has probably dropped because there just isn't much to talk about at this point that isn't run into the ground already here. Seriously, think something up, search for it and see how much it's already been talked about. When the engine runs, recheck attendance. The amount of people on here doesn't indicate that people are"walking away", just that they are tired of guessing, conjecturing, and predicting... Well, that's my take, anyway.

You nailed it Ty, I am one of those that is tiring of guessing, conjecturing, wondering. :)


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
You nailed it Ty, I am one of those that is tiring of guessing, conjecturing, wondering. :)
What else is there to do on here for the next 18 months besides guessing, conjecturing, and wondering? Some people are taking a break from the forum and have stated as much.
I am enjoying the, very-loosely-related-to-the-Elio discussions. Basically social media with an underlying thread tying us to a common theme.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wake County, NC
What else is there to do on here for the next 18 months besides guessing, conjecturing, and wondering? Some people are taking a break from the forum and have stated as much.
I am enjoying the, very-loosely-related-to-the-Elio discussions. Basically social media with an underlying thread tying us to a common theme.

eeeeee-gad .... Jeff's football thread only has a week left in the season .... guess we need to start a 2015 NASCAR thread so we will have something current to discuss .... <==== satire OFF


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
What else is there to do on here for the next 18 months besides guessing, conjecturing, and wondering? Some people are taking a break from the forum and have stated as much.
I am enjoying the, very-loosely-related-to-the-Elio discussions. Basically social media with an underlying thread tying us to a common theme.

I'm feeling that motivation as well. I'll put more effort into the 3d model work and other 'objects'. It will at least entertain my inner child. :-)
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