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Will The New York International Auto Show Have A Positive Impact On Em?


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
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The idea of reducing oil consumption by 20% may not seem like much, but consider this: the difference between an oil glut and an oil crisis is less than a 3% change in production.
Which is why I think both the Elio and EV have the force to control oil prices. i.e keep them more level. When the price goes up, people will switch more to their Elio or EV in each daily decision. When down, they'll drive that Hummer more often.
This only happens if the numbers are high enough, and if there is a second car.
The Elio is pretty much the second car type product, so I think it will do a better job of daily price control.
The purchase decision has a longer term cycle, which just controls the volume of oil per year, not so much the price.


Elio Addict
Mar 15, 2014
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You do realize you emphasized my point? "Unless," meaning I understand there are exceptions.

Sure... Except that I could easily foresee one who owns nothing but an Elio who neither lives in a city AND who drives more than 200 miles in a day from time to time. Your exception was for city dwellers who never drive more than 200 miles a day.


Elio Addict
Jan 27, 2015
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Junction, TX
I suppose I react to the EV debate because I see so much garbage science about it and even more short sightedness about the whole subject.
So, to answer the standard junk science crowd:

Electrical vehicles are not a silver bullet, they are a part of the solution to dependence on foreign oil and foreign conflicts. Less oil from hostile countries, less compromise of American values, less money on military to control said countries.

They are NOT a complete environmental solution, but they ARE better overall for the environment. Powering a fleet of EV's, causes less pollution than a fleet of comparable gasoline vehicles. In addition, the power plants are usually outside the urban areas reducing the pollution to the general population. Introduce natural gas (not great, but vastly improved AND domestically produced), will reduce the pollution. Solar and wind power are a viable and growing solution. Obviously, not a complete solution, but a huge chunk can be generated from these sources. I am showing that even worse case scenario shoes EV's to be vastly better environmentally than the ICE counterparts. Also, EV's can be powered by many competing sources. Competition brings down prices.

Overall, efficiency for an EV is much greater than gas autos. It's not even close.

Range. Even the short legged Nissan Leaf (which has only an 80 mile range) is more than sufficient for most (98%) of commuting. Long distance cargo and passenger hauling will depend on Diesel for the foreseeable future.

The idea of reducing oil consumption by 20% may not seem like much, but consider this: the difference between an oil glut and an oil crisis is less than a 3% change in production.

Finally, the established auto makers don't like EV's. Why?
Auto manufacturers make around 50-75% of their profits with spare parts and servicing. They NEED your car to break to maintain their business model. They have made changing the oil impossible for the normal person and then try to charge up to $120 for the service.

To expand further on this: A normal 4 cylinder gasoline engine has hundreds of moving parts. An electric motor has ONE. Fewer moving parts, fewer parts breaking and less profit. No company will make an easily serviceable car, let alone an electrical car, because they will NEVER accept a 50-75% cut in profit. EVER! They will make a crappy semi-electrical vehicle and let it fail, then say: "see? the public never wanted en EV in the first place"

It comes down to the issue of control, not perfection.

Electrical vehicles reduces the control of Auto makers by giving a REAL choice for transportation, reduces the control of the dealer by eliminating them, reduces the control of oil empires by reducing demand thus reducing military activity and spending on sandboxes filled with people who hate us.

Does the argument sound familiar?
Elio Motors reduces the control of Auto makers by giving a REAL choice for transportation, reduces the control of the dealer by eliminating them, reduces the control of oil empires by reducing demand thus reducing military activity and spending on sandboxes filled with people who hate us.

Or, to put it in a way that even the most devout Fox News disciple can understand:
"It gives you back your freedom."

......." I am showing that even worse case scenario shoes EV's to be vastly better environmentally than the ICE counterparts."..........
If you have to say what you are showing, you aren't showing it.

If you have to bash a news outlet that doesn't tow the line of your political faction
........."Or, to put it in a way that even the most devout Fox News disciple can understand:"............
it shows a total lack of objectivity.

And your worst remark
.........."In addition, the power plants are usually outside the urban areas reducing the pollution to the general population".................
Wow! Guess us subhumans out in flyover country don't count at all.
Just rape our natural resources for your convenience!

I find myself reviewing some comments I, and others have made, and occasionally come across inconsistencies.
What I found here was this.

................"They have made changing the oil impossible for the normal person and then try to charge up to $120 for the service."..........
Lube, oil, filter, and tire rotation costs me under $50.
What the heck are you driving? An F350 diesel?

........." reduces the control of oil empires by reducing demand thus reducing military activity and spending on sandboxes filled with people who hate us."...........
I could easily be wrong, but if you check your personal environment I'll bet you will see a lot of petro-chemical products in the immediate area.
Better living through modern chemistry?;)

.........."they will NEVER accept a 50-75% cut in profit".............
Once again, I may be wrong, but I'm guessing most of that is the profit the dealer makes, and is what they need to break even and show profit because of their infrastructure. Building, furniture, parking lots, stock, etc.
Probably why they don't want Tesla and Elio to sell cars without that overhead.
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Staff member
Aug 24, 2014
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Wake County, NC
Well it came and went. Look like it did nothing so far.

I noticed this post on EM's Facebook page in response to a question, I thought it was interesting.

View attachment 5487

I don't know if it had anything to do with the show or not but John posted the above info in another thread .... it sounds like some positive things are happening .... the fact of the matter is, none of us outside the inner circle knows for sure


Elio Addict
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know if it had anything to do with the show or not but John posted the above info in another thread .... it sounds like some positive things are happening .... the fact of the matter is, none of us outside the inner circle knows for sure

We said it a short while back(more or less), focus on PR and disclosure for the masses has taken a back seat to engagement to investors, gov and business concerns. So no wonder it seems dark in our little corner of the woods. The Spike Wiest Q&A is still a little breath of fresh air for those open to it.
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