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Elio Addict
Aug 2, 2014
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Might as well add my story.

Born in Detroit in 1988 I grew up just on the edge of the ghetto here, had people threaten me with fingers pointed in their pockets numerous times and a real gun pulled on me once demanding that I give them my bike growing up, I only gave it up once. My dad worked as a paramedic in the city until last year when he retired, by today's standards we never had much money and were always in debt so I didn't get a privileged upbringing by anymeans. My older brother had 1st grade in the Detroit public school system and after unknowingly calling another student "mah nigga" and almost being expelled that was enough for my parents, who then home schooled us for the rest of our childhood.

At 18 I got my GED and entered a machine tool technology trade school and learned how to make just about anything out of solid metal, just don't ask me to work with wood. After that I got into the same schools Pre-College program which brought my Math and Reading up to University standards (I scored in the 95th percentile on my GED for both, but wouldn't have made it my first semester in college, kinda sad.) After that paying my way through those I got into the same schools free Engineering Program, earned my Associates, and am currently finishing up my Junior year in Mechanical Engineering.

I work at a engineering consulting firm doing analysis of commodity items such as alternators, tire pressure monitoring systems, door handles, etc to determine whether the OEM my company contracts with is competitive from a weight and feature standpoint. I spend a lot of time handling anything to do with Additive Manufacturing here because at my previous job we did research for the DOD into metal additive manufacturing, specifically for the Navy. (The rudder connecting rods on a submarine cost around $300k each and have lead times measured in tens of months, rebuilding them better than they were before is very attractive to the Navy.)

I own a hobby grade 3D printer which I use to print everything from gun parts to Engineering Prototypes for work to household items.

July 15th 2013 I weighed 470 pounds, nearly a quarter ton, I'd break into a sweat sitting, get out of breath going up a flight of stairs and could barely fit in my car. In a little over a year I've lost 133 pounds and weigh a slim 337 pounds. I'm working my way down in weight using good old fashioned calorie counting and a high protein low carb diet, none of that food pyramid/body acceptance crap for me! I plan to lose weight till I reach 7% body fat which I will maintain for a year before assessing my need for skin reduction surgery. After that it will be time to get ripped, goal being 190-210 pounds at 10% body fat, not quite Arnold, but big.
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Might as well add my story.

July 15th 2013 I weighed 470 pounds, nearly a quarter ton, In a little over a year I've lost 133 pounds and weigh a slim 337 pounds. I'm working my way down in weight using good old fashioned calorie counting and a high protein low carb diet, none of that food pyramid/body acceptance crap for me!



Elio Addict
Jun 27, 2014
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Shortly after we left my nieces observed their grandpa was going through the final stage of dying. (We had a great group of staff who explained to us what to look for.) The Doc was called in and confirmed what they were observing. My niece an Airmen in the Reserves walked over to her Grandfather and said, " Grandpa, it's time to go." My father took his final breath and passed Memorial Day Weekend 2013.

Didn't even realize this was you that posted this my friend :)

This part I quoted is what got me...

When my wife of 25 years died (at home) we were told about the "death gurgle" Had to listen to it for a day and a half as she slowly slipped away. :(

My only REGRET is I did not hold her hand and tell her it was 'okay' to go.......

Okay that is the last time I will mention this here in public Sorry if I bummed anyone out. I usually like to keep things light hearted and funny. If anyone reads my history of posts, you can tell I am not a car guy and just make smart A comments. But I do read what you guys are talking about and am learning lots. Thank You All :)
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
Oh, I don't know where to start and what I wish to reveal. Grew up in NE Ohio, in a very un-happy large family of his hers and theirs. Dad was a mean hateful drunk and Mom worked long hours. I ran away at 16, but finished high school. Joined the Army. Served 3 year regular army and one year Ohio Guard. I've been married many times, had two children. Fast Forward ...........

Back in the winter of 2003 - 2004, I lost 37% of my total body weight. (Thanks Stuart for your post on your success). I am only five foot tall and going from nearly 200 pounds down to 127 was a big deal. I did it by going low carb and walking a lot.

I bought a small hobby farm in the late fall of 2004. It was a bank repo and in bad shape. We made it livable and not worried about much more.
We married the first day of Spring 2005. We decided to grow old together, which didn't take long. I had a heart attack in October last year.

We're preppers and always worried about the politics and social bull dragging us into the third world. I am very involved with the local TEA Party.

I have 5 goats, two ladies, Ester and Sissy Marie. They provide us with meat and about 5 months of milk after birthing. I make and freeze lots of wonderful cheese. I raise chickens, sell eggs and make great soup. All this animal birthing, raising and butchering stuff is new to us and we're learning as we go. Husband reads a lot and I love you tube instructions.

I took a buy-out offer from my job, in the fall of 2006, just before the closing of the mill. I hated the job, worked with mostly juvenile men with no manners. Between the buy-out money and selling all my rentals just before the 2008 real estate bust, leasing the mineral rights and timbering the back acre, we managed to pay off our brand new mortgage on our little hobby farm. WE ARE DEBT FREE ........

We have five grandchildren ranging in ages 4 - 18. Our four year old grandson is autistic and we have him over night at least once a week. Me and the kid have a great time going to the McDonald's playground, Chuckie Cheese and the city playgrounds. Some days all three! His sister is 18 years old, doing very well, graduated from high school this past fall and is working the phones for ATT.

Our other bunch come over once a month for week-end visits. It is my job to try to teach them the way in a kitchen. Grandpa's job is to teach them Catholic stuff. They love to say the Saint Michael, the Arch Angel prayer. They get to cuss in it. (Dam & Hell) Since my heart operation I am having difficulty handle all three of them for a whole week-end.

BTW, in October, While I was laying in the hospital, was when I bought my first elio reservation #1685. Husband laid claim on it because he really needs it to drive 100 per day for work. So, I bought my second one in February with only $100.00. Then the evening of 7-7-14 I upped it to $1,000, #5685. But, like so many other people that week, I ended up with yet another reservation. Instead of taking $900.00 out of my bank, elio took $1,000.00. I decided to keep the third reservation for the daughter. Red, White and Blue. I pray everything go well.


Elio Addict
Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Might as well add my story.

Born in Detroit in 1988 I grew up just on the edge of the ghetto here, had people threaten me with fingers pointed in their pockets numerous times and a real gun pulled on me once demanding that I give them my bike growing up, I only gave it up once. My dad worked as a paramedic in the city until last year when he retired, by today's standards we never had much money and were always in debt so I didn't get a privileged upbringing by anymeans. My older brother had 1st grade in the Detroit public school system and after unknowingly calling another student "mah nigga" and almost being expelled that was enough for my parents, who then home schooled us for the rest of our childhood.

At 18 I got my GED and entered a machine tool technology trade school and learned how to make just about anything out of solid metal, just don't ask me to work with wood. After that I got into the same schools Pre-College program which brought my Math and Reading up to University standards (I scored in the 95th percentile on my GED for both, but wouldn't have made it my first semester in college, kinda sad.) After that paying my way through those I got into the same schools free Engineering Program, earned my Associates, and am currently finishing up my Junior year in Mechanical Engineering.

I work at a engineering consulting firm doing analysis of commodity items such as alternators, tire pressure monitoring systems, door handles, etc to determine whether the OEM my company contracts with is competitive from a weight and feature standpoint. I spend a lot of time handling anything to do with Additive Manufacturing here because at my previous job we did research for the DOD into metal additive manufacturing, specifically for the Navy. (The rudder connecting rods on a submarine cost around $300k each and have lead times measured in tens of months, rebuilding them better than they were before is very attractive to the Navy.)

I own a hobby grade 3D printer which I use to print everything from gun parts to Engineering Prototypes for work to household items.

July 15th 2013 I weighed 470 pounds, nearly a quarter ton, I'd break into a sweat sitting, get out of breath going up a flight of stairs and could barely fit in my car. In a little over a year I've lost 133 pounds and weigh a slim 337 pounds. I'm working my way down in weight using good old fashioned calorie counting and a high protein low carb diet, none of that food pyramid/body acceptance crap for me! I plan to lose weight till I reach 7% body fat which I will maintain for a year before assessing my need for skin reduction surgery. After that it will be time to get ripped, goal being 190-210 pounds at 10% body fat, not quite Arnold, but big.
Hello Stewart. I'm so glad you're taking action, and have a plan to save your life! I'm at about 210 pounds, and you've made me feel like such a jerk (in a good way) for not taking action myself to get to about 175 pounds. You've acomplished so much so far. That tells me I need to buckle down, and have your determination! Any advice from a success story (you), to someone that also loves food, but knows things HAVE to change? I hope I haven't offended you in any way, but ANYONE who can lose 133 pounds is an expert, and hero in my book!:D


Elio Addict
Aug 2, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Stewart. I'm so glad you're taking action, and have a plan to save your life! I'm at about 210 pounds, and you've made me feel like such a jerk (in a good way) for not taking action myself to get to about 175 pounds. You've acomplished so much so far. That tells me I need to buckle down, and have your determination! Any advice from a success story (you), to someone that also loves food, but knows things HAVE to change? I hope I haven't offended you in any way, but ANYONE who can lose 133 pounds is an expert, and hero in my book!:D

There are no short cuts in losing weight, there is no magic pill or one simple trick, anyone trying to tell you otherwise is trying to sell you something. It takes consistently sticking to your diet, being willing to be a little bit hungry constantly. There will be bad days, bad weeks, bad months, and while these are your fault it's not a road block on this path, it's a tiny little pebble on the road, drive over it and move on.

Counting calories is the most reliable method of losing weight, it's not the only way by any means but if done correctly it is the only method that is 100% effective. These days counting calories is very easy, smart phones and computers make things simple and quick. I use the LoseIT! app, available on iPhone, Android and through the web browser (http://www.loseit.com), and is free with a paid premium level. You input your statistics such as sex, age, weight, height and activity level and it gives you a baseline for how many calories you can consume daily in order to lose a given number of pounds per week, eat a 500cal/day deficit and lose 1 pound a week (3500cals/pound), a 1000cal/day deficit for 2 lbs per week. I eat around a 1500-2000 cal/day deficit, which results in about 3-4pounds/week lost when I'm performing at tip top shape and hitting the gym weekly.

One thing I want to note is to never go on a diet of less than 800cal/day without medical supervision, in fact it's always a good idea to consult your doctor before starting a diet, as it becomes difficult to get the vitamins and minerals we need for basic functions at this level and a supplement plan must be created by a doctor/dietician. Also, low fat diets are a very big no-no, dietary fat is important in the regulation of hormones in the body and without it you'll feel weak, have slower reaction times, poor judgement and temper, so basically you'll be drunk without the pleasant side effects of alcohol. Strictly regulating carbohydrates on the other hand can be safely done to very low levels, 10-15 grams a day is hard to escape even on an all meat diet, and the only major hormone regulated by carbohydrates is insulin.

For a more in depth guide on getting started the right way check http://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq out, they cover all of the basics there and even delve into the counter claims against many of the things I've stated above to be well rounded in it's discussion.


Elio Addict
Aug 30, 2014
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Stuart and Quick, congratulations on your weight loss! Way to go! I jumped on the band wagon to lose weight as well. I'm not much taller than Quick, I'm 5'2" and at one point in my life I weighed in at 188#. I weighted 158# when I started my weight loss this time and just hit 135# after 16 weeks. I found the "South Beach" plan worked best for me. The right High protein, good carbs, good fats and portion control eating plan. I eat 4-5 times a day and I'm never hungry. Notice how I never said diet. I'm not dieting, I'm just learning how to eat properly again. Anyway job well done, you to Z!
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