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Where Did 84 Mpg Come From?

Keith Stone

Elio Addict
Apr 27, 2014
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Carburetor that get 100 mpg, patented 41 years ago should have an expired patent by now?

Of course BIG OIL bought the patent and shelved it so oil dependency would continue.

Now 41 years later I am wondering how difficult it is to go back through old patents and sort the junk that should work from the gold that does work?

Can it be done online or must one go to an office and look through cabinets or hire one of the patent office employees to search?

Yes, like anyone else I would like to make some money but more so, I am fed up with BIG OIL!" id="yui_3_9_1_9_1398908969550_556" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">When I was 7 years old I heard some adults talking about the carburetor that was invented that if installed on most any car would get 100 miles to a gallon of gas or there about.

Of course BIG OIL bought the patent and shelved it so oil dependency would continue.

Now 41 years later I am wondering how difficult it is to go back through old patents and sort the junk that should work from the gold that does work?

Can it be done online or must one go to an office and look through cabinets or hire one of the patent office employees to search?

Yes, like anyone else I would like to make some money but more so, I am fed up with BIG OIL!

Best AnswerAsker's Choice
  • bcnu answered 12 months ago
US patents issued prior to 1995 expired 17 years after issue. Things after that expire 20 years after filing; things pending in 1995 expire 20 years after filing or 17 years after issue, whichever is later.

All US patents are available online at uspto.gov. Recent patents can be searched by keyword or class or inventor or owner. Earlier patents can be displayed only by patent number.

google.com/patents has a somewhat better search engine and includes many (if not all) older patents. There are many other patent-searching tools online or available through a searching service.

BTW: There are also "patent repositories" ("Patent and Trademark Resource Centers") scattered around the country, in which copies of every US patent and US registered trademark can be found in printed form. They are arranged in "shoes", not cabinets, sorted by class and subclass, and by date. Good luck with that. There are hundreds of thousands of patents related to internal-combustion engines.
I love big oil they have paid me to operate rig for ten years of my life, now i am moving on to better "big oil jobs", they are also very nice to stop at whe my low diesel light comes on or when i need new shoes with petroleum/rubber soles i just love the shit out of them!

Jayne Shelby

Elio Addict
Dec 27, 2013
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Hollywood, MD
yeah it bugs me that Paul Elio is stuck on 84mpg. If i knew why it might help me appreciate that number. if it is as assininie as three times the average car...well why three? get my drift?
He already screwed with the cool factor by taking the Prowler wheel covers off, or at least that is the reason i am getting for the modification... he also is stuck on $6800. Engineers? well they have their flaws too. Why create a number whether theoretical or not, and then believe you can match that number in the real world? And the price tag number is even more questionable...is it some Chinese Magic Price Point for Motor powered Rickshaws? Come on man. Artificially fabricated numbers? At the expense of what? all the other performance variables and style?
Personally I'd pay more money to have a 70/70/7000 that looked cool..yeah 70 hp 70mpg $7000. And it'd be easier to remember and market..."Lucky "7's"... and it could be called "The 7" and the "7" badge could be easily worked into the fuselage on one side.

I agree with lafrisbee. I'd be completely happy with "Lucky 7".


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2014
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I agree with lafrisbee. I'd be completely happy with "Lucky 7".
I hate to compare lafrisbee to a kid questioning his mom after he was told that eating too much candy will ruin his teeth! He knows the answer but he'll ask it anyway. What's wrong with those numbers Paul Elio set as his goals? Didn't you guys all signed up for it at the beginning that's why you're all here? Lafrisbee sure didn't question this 84 mpg goal when he got on board and made his deposit didn't he? Why not let this project run its course and if they don't achieve any of the "4 musts", then by all means lay the blame on them for setting those goals! I think that's only fair. And just to add, EM already mentioned (correct me if I'm wrong) that there will be options for wheel covers for those who wants the Prowler type...and yet, lafrisbee has to mention it anyway! Not trying to pick on this fella, just trying to get him back to focus on what's the overall goal here!:D
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Elio Addict
Feb 24, 2014
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I'm a fan of hydrogen and eventually, someone will develop a way to store enough of it to give a car some good range. But, you also need a way to refill them... chicken and egg syndrome.

Yup, fuel cell tech. has come a long way in the last decade, but the infrastructure lags badly.
Bad oil lobby, Bad oil lobby, Bad Oil lobby... :)


Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
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Loveland OH

Simple. Fair. Obvious.[/QUOTE]
Well, not quite. You'd have to remove all tolls for bridges, parkways, etc for this to be really fair... and the politics of doing that, when more and more states are "privatizing" road-related matters, are anything but simple, fair, and obvious.

We live in a complicated world, and get locked into dumb ways of doing things. I certainly agree that a weight x mileage fee would be more fair, and would result in ENORMOUSLY lower gasoline taxes, hence much cheaper gas at the pump... thus DEMOTIVATING people who might otherwise care more about electrics, hybrids, and, yes, ELIOS!

PS -- how much gasoline tax, in cost per gallon, are YOU paying in your state?

Here's a chart that will tell you: http://taxfoundation.org/article/state-gasoline-tax-rates-2009-2013
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Elio Addict
May 2, 2014
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Loveland OH
Well, your F350 is going to burn more fuel, producing more tax revenue for the state. You pays your money and you takes your choice. A smaller, lightweight, more efficient Elio will pay less than even the Prius to the highway cabal.

That's another point; your Elio will be "consuming" less of the highway because it won't wear the road surface thanks to its light weight. One of the great things the Interstate highways have none for this nation is to get the heavy truck traffic off our secondary roads. The result is that (except where freeze-thaw cycles take their toll) our secondary roads are in remarkably good shape. The big 18-wheelers have all moved to the big super-slab where they can be more efficient in point-to-point service. That leaves a lot of secondary roads and country lanes available for us in our Elios. ROAD TRIP!!
More emphasis on trains for both passengers and freight would greatly reduce highways wear and tear ... not to mention more ton / mile efficiency.

Jim H

Elio Addict
Mar 5, 2014
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Vail, AZ
More emphasis on trains for both passengers and freight would greatly reduce highways wear and tear ... not to mention more ton / mile efficiency.
And the loss of road taxes because of increased rail travel would further reduce highway maintenance dollars and the roads still wouldn't get fixed

Cali Chris

Elio Addict
Feb 10, 2014
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More emphasis on trains for both passengers and freight would greatly reduce highways wear and tear ... not to mention more ton / mile efficiency.
Great idea.....oh wait, no train between my house and work. I think that most would fall into that category. I could take the bus but that would add three hours to my commute. Not happening! I don't want to miss 66 hours a month that I could otherwise spend with my daughters. Life's too short. I guess Elio is the viable option! Guess that's why I'm here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Elio Addict
Feb 28, 2014
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Papillion, NE
I read that there isn't a single public transportation system in the U.S. that is self sufficient. Busses and trains are underutilized, that is for sure. Unfortunately, when everyone is driving electric cars, they had better be the off road version because zero road tax from gas sales = no repairs.
We currently have tolls to support special roads, bridges, etc. but still have gas tax. So, people who pay tolls are getting double-digit taxes already. We have to go to a different system if we are going to continue to fund road repairs at our current level in the face of increasing mileage and fewer gassers.
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