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What's Your Production Number? - Share You Number With Everyone On This Thread!


Elio Addict
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Top of Utah
I wonder how many days you will have to claim your Elio--after you have been informed of the day it will be manufactured? If for some reason it doesn't get manufactured on the scheduled day, it would not be good to have to wait several days in Shreveport. After making airline reservations you are tied into that date. I would think arriving a few days after the scheduled date would be wise--and watch someone else's Elio get built. :)


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
I wonder how many days you will have to claim your Elio--after you have been informed of the day it will be manufactured? If for some reason it doesn't get manufactured on the scheduled day, it would not be good to have to wait several days in Shreveport. After making airline reservations you are tied into that date. I would think arriving a few days after the scheduled date would be wise--and watch someone else's Elio get built. :)

This is a very good question however unfortunately we likely will not have a good answer for this until reservation holders start being notified of when their vehicles will be produced.

What we do know is that GM was producing up to 1,000 trucks each day at this plant and the vehicle holding lots can literally hold thousands of vehicles. The plant also has designated loading areas for road and rail transport which allows for mass shipment of these vehicles in very quickly and efficiently.

My guess is that at first we would likely have about a week to show up and pick up our new vehicles. This could change over time as production levels increase and also the build date estimates should be more accurate over time.

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver
I'm breaking out in song!!!
(Carly Rae Jepsen)
Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
But here's my number so call me maybe :^)
(Tommy Tutone)
Eli, I got your number
I need to make you mine
eli don't change your number
867-53oh9ine, 867-53oh9ein, 867-53oh9ine, 867-53oh9ine

will be dancing around in song all day today! woohoo!
Keep your eye on the prize!

Hello Future Elio Owner!

First, thank you for joining the revolution at the Gotta Have It level! We appreciate your support and shared belief in our passion, vision and mission! As part of this elite group, we may occasionally tap into this passion we share by asking your opinion or getting your feedback regarding the vehicle! We are excited to have you as part of the family and would value your input!

Now to the main purpose of this note -- letting you know where you stand on the delivery list! You are, with the email address, s.patelski@mchsi.com, number 8795 in line! Nice! .

Congratulations on being a future Elio owner and supporting American ingenuity!

The Elio Team

Awesome! Excellent! Went to college in the 80's, so love the 867-5309 song...

Elio, I got your number, I need to make you mine,
Elio, don't change your number, <say your number here>, yes it's mi-yih-ine!

Jeff Porter

Elio Addict
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Norton, KS; halfway between Kansas City and Denver
This is a very good question however unfortunately we likely will not have a good answer for this until reservation holders start being notified of when their vehicles will be produced.

What we do know is that GM was producing up to 1,000 trucks each day at this plant and the vehicle holding lots can literally hold thousands of vehicles. The plant also has designated loading areas for road and rail transport which allows for mass shipment of these vehicles in very quickly and efficiently.

My guess is that at first we would likely have about a week to show up and pick up our new vehicles. This could change over time as production levels increase and also the build date estimates should be more accurate over time.

Just throwing this out there.... if I was running the group that notified folks that their vehicle would be ready, I'd want to let each customer know as far in advance as possible. Then as the date got closer and I had an idea of an approximate date of done-done, you'd tell the customer an approximate date. Then you'd maybe devise a way to tell the customer the very date that the options were finished, such as an email, and then tell the customer the date that it's ready to be picked up. As G.O. says, it can sit in a secure lot until the customer comes and gets it. So if you need an extra few days or weeks after it's ready, one would think Elio would be fine with that. Maybe a firm date that your vehicle would become available to fleet sales would be 90 days or something?


Elio Addict
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
Northern VA
Just throwing this out there.... if I was running the group that notified folks that their vehicle would be ready, I'd want to let each customer know as far in advance as possible. Then as the date got closer and I had an idea of an approximate date of done-done, you'd tell the customer an approximate date. Then you'd maybe devise a way to tell the customer the very date that the options were finished, such as an email, and then tell the customer the date that it's ready to be picked up. As G.O. says, it can sit in a secure lot until the customer comes and gets it. So if you need an extra few days or weeks after it's ready, one would think Elio would be fine with that. Maybe a firm date that your vehicle would become available to fleet sales would be 90 days or something?

So how productive would any of us be at work knowing that our car is sitting in a parking lot in Louisiana waiting for us to pick it up?


Elio Addict
Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Ok now. Is "Elioans" our new moniker? I was kinda looking as "oneKers" but thought better of it in that pronounced fast sounds too much like oinkers. LOL You might have trouble with some Cajuns confusing Elioans for Orleans without the New in front. Any other ideas?

Along with others who upgraded or got in at the $1000 level the evening of September 1, my number is 10,262.

Your idea reminds me of the Tom Hanks film, "That Thing You Do", about a fictional rock and roll band. They decided to cal themselves the Oneders. It was a take on the one-ders, but was consistently mispronounced as the "oh-nee-ders." One of the band members even corrected a journalist by saying it was pronounced the "oh-neders." Tom Hanks, as their record label manager, promptly changed it to "The Wonders", saying the other spelling was too confusing. It's a great movie, by the way.

I say Cajun confusion aside, "don't fight the Fed;" in other words, stick with Elio Motors' descriptor.


Staff member
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
Cumming, GA
Just throwing this out there.... if I was running the group that notified folks that their vehicle would be ready, I'd want to let each customer know as far in advance as possible. Then as the date got closer and I had an idea of an approximate date of done-done, you'd tell the customer an approximate date. Then you'd maybe devise a way to tell the customer the very date that the options were finished, such as an email, and then tell the customer the date that it's ready to be picked up. As G.O. says, it can sit in a secure lot until the customer comes and gets it. So if you need an extra few days or weeks after it's ready, one would think Elio would be fine with that. Maybe a firm date that your vehicle would become available to fleet sales would be 90 days or something?

I really only expect this to be an issue for the first few months as EM is ramping up production. During this period I can expect to see something along the lines mentioned with updates coming as the production schedule moves closer to your build. Also during time they likely won't have two shifts and the single shift will be ramping up so this gives them more room on the storage lot to hold cars longer.

After this initial period EM will have a good handle on their production schedule and they will be able to give update better estimates further out. By the time they get to fleet sales, which supposedly will happen after the initial run of reservation holders, EM should be be able to accurately forecast delivery dates 90 days out.
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