Elio Addict
I had a 63 Pontiac Acadian from Canada. Same body, but with a split Pontiac Grill
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Crap! Just realized after reading Frim's reply that I spelled "patience" wrong![me hiding from the grammar police].
Mine came with the 194 inline 6. I took it out and put in a 300 HP 327 from my 64 Impala. That little Acadian was a scary car. Fast, in a straight line, but it was a handful. I eventually took that engine out and put the 6 back and sold it. That was my car when I was 16. I had the 64 Impala and a 56 Chev pickup at the same time. Wish I had all of them back.Had to Google that one. I had no idea a Pontiac Acadian existed. You learn something everyday!
I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.
Mine came with the 194 inline 6. I took it out and put in a 300 HP 327 from my 64 Impala. That little Acadian was a scary car. Fast, in a straight line, but it was a handful. I eventually took that engine out and put the 6 back and sold it. That was my car when I was 16. I had the 64 Impala and a 56 Chev pickup at the same time. Wish I had all of them back.
Dumb question but I can't find the e-mail confirming my "ALL IN" and in line number. Who do I contact to get this information?So what is everyone's production number? (I believe you only get one after you have done the max all in payment.)