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What's Your Production Number? - Share You Number With Everyone On This Thread!


Elio Fan
Dec 26, 2016
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
I believe that my number is 2,666. I have been "all-in" for quite some time!! Through this entire process, the thing that has most upset me is not the delays (they are understandable and quite honestly, anticipated) I am bothered by the fact that when I got into the mix there was no mention of auto transmission costing any more! My wife can't drive a standard so it was my intent from the beginning to get an auto. Any upcharges that are decided on should only apply to those entering into the mix after the respective decision. I understand that costs increase but don't try to make the difference on the ones who have supported you throughout this entire mess. "Don't change the rules in the middle of the game, implement the rules for the next game!"

Doug McDow

Elio Addict
Nov 9, 2016
Reaction score
I believe that my number is 2,666. I have been "all-in" for quite some time!! Through this entire process, the thing that has most upset me is not the delays (they are understandable and quite honestly, anticipated) I am bothered by the fact that when I got into the mix there was no mention of auto transmission costing any more! My wife can't drive a standard so it was my intent from the beginning to get an auto. Any upcharges that are decided on should only apply to those entering into the mix after the respective decision. I understand that costs increase but don't try to make the difference on the ones who have supported you throughout this entire mess. "Don't change the rules in the middle of the game, implement the rules for the next game!"
Eric, no one is changing the rules. The auto Trans has been and is a option. You have a choice . I locked my Elio price at $7,000.00, but I know that I must pay for any extras that I chose. I never expected any extras for nothing. I am a happy Elio owner that has committed to Elio. No beefs, Just wish that it was rolling of the assembly line.


Staff member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
Battle Ground WA
I believe that my number is 2,666. I have been "all-in" for quite some time!! Through this entire process, the thing that has most upset me is not the delays (they are understandable and quite honestly, anticipated) I am bothered by the fact that when I got into the mix there was no mention of auto transmission costing any more! My wife can't drive a standard so it was my intent from the beginning to get an auto. Any upcharges that are decided on should only apply to those entering into the mix after the respective decision. I understand that costs increase but don't try to make the difference on the ones who have supported you throughout this entire mess. "Don't change the rules in the middle of the game, implement the rules for the next game!"
Do you recall the additional bonuses you have received?
And they never said that automatic would be included in the base price as standard equipment.

Venting here may make you feel better, but it does nothing to get your message to Elio Motors.

My best suggestion to anyone that has questions or comments directed to Elio Motors you should contact them directly
Elio Owners Forum is not affiliated directly to Elio Motors.
Rather than venting here, contact the people that are controlling all of the aspects of the Elio and let them know.

Elio Motors can be contacted at:

Elio CS: Toll Free: (844) 289-3546
Direct: (480) 500-6800 Ext. 1
Phone Hours: M-F 9am – 3pm Central Time


Mailing address:
Elio Motors, Inc.
2942 North 24th Street,
Suite 114-700
Phoenix, AZ 85016
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