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What Is Elio Stock Trading For Today?


Elio Addict
Oct 24, 2015
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If you can get through the pop ups...Posted by Katie Hansen on December 7, 2018 at 5:56 pm
I gotta say, reading that made my head hurt! I am not skoold in the jargon of statistics and market trends, but almost none of that made any sense to me.

As a casual observer of the Elio situation, it seems to me the stock price is pretty well flat here as of late. The amount of daily trades swings more than the price does me thinx (thanks travelbuzz!) The good thing is, it is not tanking.

It slays me when I see the amount of money thrown at what seems like way more suspect enterprises, but Elio can't be thrown a bone?

I still anxiously await the day I drive off in my very own Elio...


Elio Addict
Jan 14, 2016
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San Marcos, TX
If you can get through the pop ups...Posted by Katie Hansen on December 7, 2018 at 5:56 pm

That looks like an automatically generated article from a bot. I googled one of the sentences without variables in it and came up with three different articles about other stocks with identical wording :(

What tipped me off was sentences like this: "From the open, shares have seen a change of 0.00." A human would not likely have written that.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
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Hellertown, PA
That looks like an automatically generated article from a bot. I googled one of the sentences without variables in it and came up with three different articles about other stocks with identical wording :(

What tipped me off was sentences like this: "From the open, shares have seen a change of 0.00." A human would not likely have written that.
If you just Google, "Elio Stock" then click under the news section, there's a bunch of bot written articles that come out every day. For example I just did that and the first article is Elio Motors vs Ferrari. Read the article and it's obvious a bot wrote it because nobody would actually write something like that. Those are just clickbait and it's really obvious by all of the pop up ads and you'll typically see the same article just under a different website too.


Elio Addict
Jul 21, 2015
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Sioux Falls, South Dakota
More significantly, OSTK up $1.49!!! Up 8.58%!!! GO ELIO!!!
Overstock: Blockchain For Free
Nov. 27, 2018 3:22 PM ET
| About: Overstock.com, Inc. (OSTK), Includes: BBBY, BTC-USD, KSS
by: Stone Fox Capital

Stone Fox Capital

Long/short equity, growth at reasonable price, research analyst, Deep Value
Stone Fox Capital
Overstock appears ready to unload the retail business.

A large catalyst for the stock would be a big cash payment for the retail business.

The weakness in cryptocurrencies is likely obscuring the value in their blockchain investments combined with their potential large cash position.

Despite a once-promising retail business, Overstock.com (OSTK) has never amounted to much in the retail space. The company has been one of the more aggressive investors in blockchain technology and users of cryptocurrencies. The pivot to the latter might be exactly what the stock needs to rally from a current price of around $17.50.

FULL ARTICLE: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4224884-overstock-blockchain-free
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