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What Is Elio Stock Trading For Today?


Elio Addict
Oct 24, 2015
Reaction score
...Not only did the person quote that Eliocoin was coming out today, but went on to inform me that Elio was giving us another 15% discount. I wrote to them that Elio had lock in prices besides the $500 discount for "All In" reservation holders. I had proposed that Elio Motors should apologize to those who assisted in the IPO and hold "All In" reservation with a discount on options when Elio starts up. I did not require any percentage of the discount nor what items to target, but 5% off a automatic transmission would be nice. I can read very well Sailor Dogs quotes and in fact he is one of the very few that I follow and lookover his statements in this group. Is there a additional 15% discount with Elio? I am just doing research on other members claims. VERIFY,VERIFY, VERIFY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY VERIFY AGAIN!
Oh where, oh where, has EKH gone?

I would immensely enjoy his feedback, the heck with the doubters that had him swear off this forum!


Elio Addict
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Jerry just because your misinformed doesn't make me a liar. Here is your extra discount. I said the coins aren't expected till Xmas. https://www.facebook.com/notes/elio...discount-from-pelio-6102015/1206358429411679/
I was not calling you a liar, and the dates where either today as of the 31st of July or you said tomorrow which means today if I recall. Not XMAS
This is what I got from the link.

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Last edited:
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Keester, OHIO
You are delusional. And what is worst is your spreading your delusions and using me as reference. Only thing that is happening Monday, August 6th is the overstock deal will be finalized. Giving tzero the go ahead to start their coin making venture. It's going to be months before eliocoins will be available, specially to us. I never said anything but. The reason your getting that message is because you've been kicked out of that group for lying about your intentions.


Elio Addict
Oct 24, 2015
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Has anybody read today's blog entry?

Seems like some good work is being done, yet nobody has mentioned it yet? This may be some of the better news we've heard in awhile, usually this forum blows up with this kind of news.

Let's go Elio...


Elio Addict
Apr 20, 2018
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North Carolina
I mentioned it somewhere, maybe it was facebook. I'll repeat it since I can't recall where it is.

My take on it is good news and I too think the stock will climb Thursday. If the vendors are actually meeting (Which I think people in the know can confirm) then it means they see something worth meeting about. Given Elio's history I also think it would take more than just a dream to get them to take it seriously again.

Perhaps I'm just dreaming though.


New Member
Feb 5, 2018
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I'm very concerned about the validity of the information distributed on this site. Yesterday I replied to a blog named are you kidding that addressed the concerns many have about loosing their deposits. I replied I feel stupid because I purchased 457 shares at $38/share in 2016. I directed members to review the ELIO stock trend from conception too now. I brought up concerns involving the volatility of the stock valve trends in 2016. This morning I received a notice stating my reply was deleted because it was found to be disruptive to the site. Let's see how long this one stays on the site. Take the time to review the stock trend from conception for yourself and determine if the slow increase and drastic decrease of early stock values disturbs you or not. They do me. I'm just going to ride the bus till the end of the line and hope I don't get robbed. I'm very interested to see if this reply last the day.


Elio Addict
Jan 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hellertown, PA
Yesterday I replied to a blog named are you kidding that addressed the concerns many have about loosing their deposits
I don't know of anyone that has lost their deposit. Only situation I can think of is if someone dies. At that point it doesn't matter.

I replied I feel stupid because I purchased 457 shares at $38/share in 2016. I directed members to review the ELIO stock trend from conception too now. I brought up concerns involving the volatility of the stock valve trends in 2016.
That's the life of investing in stocks. If you use emotion, you will lose. Too many people see "the next big thing" and then use examples of Apple, Microsoft and Amazon as to why you better get on board. This is nothing new and where many people make their mistakes. If you are upset that you put down a deposit and bought stock at the wrong time, you only have to blame yourself. If Elio did something wrong, they would be out of business right now. Since they are not, then they cover all bases. I might not agree with how they do business but in the end, if it works for them and 100% legal, then I will agree that they should go for it.
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