Elio Addict
My original statement: "Those kinds of charging times are patently ridiculous for any home setup."
Your reply: "Chargers capable of doing this have already been's not difficult to do."

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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.My original statement: "Those kinds of charging times are patently ridiculous for any home setup."
Your reply: "Chargers capable of doing this have already been's not difficult to do."
Again, though, I'm not going to get into a debate about AGW, people are welcome to ignore that the majority of scientists agree. The only disagreement is on the extent, or expedience, that AGW is occurring.
And did you enjoy your stay?I've stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
I'm not sure why people are trying to make EV adoption more difficult than it is. I own two...they just aren't that difficult to use or prepare for.
urineYup, noted expert Lance Armstrong proved out the concept of replacing his electrolyte to gain recharge quickly.They always talk about steroids, but he beat detection mostly by getting fresh blood transfussions.
My original statement: "Those kinds of charging times are patently ridiculous for any home setup."
Your reply: "Chargers capable of doing this have already been's not difficult to do."
...but they can get the charging times down to 15-20 minutes with current technology.
You'll only need to wait 5 years for the costs to come down. Range will continue to be in the 300 mile range for Civic pricing, but they can get the charging times down to 15-20 minutes with current technology. I don't know too many people that jump out of their car, gas up, and jump back in to drive another ~300 miles down the road. Typical gas station stops on trips are in the 15-25 minute range anyway, especially if you're traveling with your family/SO.
I own 2 EVs, and haven't found charging on trips to be onerous at all.
[...]Once I see the following I'm all on board with electric cars: Electric Civic costs the same as the gas Civic version with equal features. Range is 1.5 to 2 times the range of the gas version to compensate for the inconvenience of having to stop to charge up on trips. Now if they invent a way to charge at the same speed as a gas fill up then an equal range is fine.
I have nothing against folks who want an electric vehicle. Just because we are not cheerleaders for them, doesn't mean we are "making adoption more difficult". It's not inevitable, therefore I won't be "preparing" for them. I happen to like an ICE powered vehicle. I really don't want an electric one. I'm happy for you that you have two electric vehicles but I'll keep my gas powered ones.