Sailor Dog
Elio Addict
Me too...100 more shares...This is just another step closer to getting this thing going. Trump is pro American business. When it's American made product, that's even better. Trump has already stated that he want's new manufacturing here in America, not just keeping existing jobs. So with Elio doing exactly what Trump is preaching and now a person who is in charge of the DoE that will get things done, this is about the best news that Elio can get right now. Trump doesn't even need to make that one phone call to create 1500 instant jobs right now, all he has to do is pat Rick Perry on the back and tell him, "You give Elio that money right now or your fired." As we've seen, don't do what he wants, he will find a replacement. Also, if those politicians down in Shreveport keep complaining, I bet Perry could find a really nice plant in Texas for Elio.
I just bought a bunch of Elio stock and I can see that it'll be going up by the end of this week.