Elio Addict
and the point is?From the 'final' design in 1972 till the first launch in 1982 the space shuttle took 10 years. Was that still in the 'instant gratification' generation? That was done with archaeic computers and it was almost TOTALLY custom designed from main engines to booster rockets to guidance and control systems and life-support, right down to the zero-g toilet. It converts 1.6 million lbs. of oxygen and hydrogen to water vapor in an eight minute burn with a launch weight of four million lbs. Got 'er done.
Paul certainly doesn't have a NASA-type budget, but it's kind of a fun contrast in terms of engineering challenges. After all, the Elio is just a car. There are lots of cars already, the technology is all there, and all the parts are either already produced or a fairly simple matter of molding and fabricating. Maybe NASA could spare a couple people to lend a hand on some prototypes. ;-)