from what I was told at the tour in December, the AMT used by Elio is a much better unit than the brand used in the Smart Car .... it is said to be smoother in operation and performance
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.So do I and they were common at the timeSnipped...........Hey, I even remember a foot button left of the clutch for flicking the lights, and a starter button near the gas pedal!!
So do I and they were common at the time
not sure of the year,think it was my dad's WillysI'm with you on the brights button left of the brake pedal, but you got me on the starter on the floor. [Oldest/1st car a '63 Chevy II]
I'm with you on the brights button left of the brake pedal, but you got me on the starter on the floor. [Oldest/1st car a '63 Chevy II]
My Dad's '51 Studebaker had a starter button
on the driver side floorboard. I know cause I
stepped on it & the sucker jumped forward
a couple of feet. I was lucky that it didn't
run into anything, scared the bej**us out
of me though..........
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That's hilarious!! When my son was like 10 yrs old, I had a '90 Jeep Wrangler (miss it!), and my wife drove it to our Bank. Mom left the radio on for the boy, and he "accidentally" turned the key. Wranglers DON'T have a clutch safety comes in handy if you're four-wheelin'. It started, jumped over the sidewalk and slammed into the building [one foot to the right, and it would've been nothing but glass...hit the brick part...Whew!.] Wrecked the front bumper (I wanted a chrome one with lightening holes anyway! Now I have an excuse!) Anyway, he's 27 now, and remembers it like it was yesterday! Stuff like that sticks with you.