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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.Here's my question. I have a vehicle with a 3.8L V6 (4spd automatic), it cruises well and revs about 2,350rpm @ 70mph. Have another vehicle with an inline 2.4L 4cyl (5spd manual) that revs about 3,050 @ that same 70mph. I have seen a video in which one of the IAV engineers stated that the Elio motor (inline .9L 3cyl) would run @ 2,200 rpm "at freeway speeds". How do you get there and (0-107mph) with a 5spd manual unless the gearing is awwwwfully wide? what is the planned final drive ratio, 1st thru 5th?
Here's my question. I have a vehicle with a 3.8L V6 (4spd automatic), it cruises well and revs about 2,350rpm @ 70mph. Have another vehicle with an inline 2.4L 4cyl (5spd manual) that revs about 3,050 @ that same 70mph. I have seen a video in which one of the IAV engineers stated that the Elio motor (inline .9L 3cyl) would run @ 2,200 rpm "at freeway speeds". How do you get there and (0-107mph) with a 5spd manual unless the gearing is awwwwfully wide? what is the planned final drive ratio, 1st thru 5th?
Hi and welcome from THE Sunshine State- your in the right place to learn much about the E, and our desire to be riding/driving one ASAP!!Here's my question. I have a vehicle with a 3.8L V6 (4spd automatic), it cruises well and revs about 2,350rpm @ 70mph. Have another vehicle with an inline 2.4L 4cyl (5spd manual) that revs about 3,050 @ that same 70mph. I have seen a video in which one of the IAV engineers stated that the Elio motor (inline .9L 3cyl) would run @ 2,200 rpm "at freeway speeds". How do you get there and (0-107mph) with a 5spd manual unless the gearing is awwwwfully wide? what is the planned final drive ratio, 1st thru 5th?
and if you squint you might see ElvisI think I saw 52hp @ 2,800rpm in the video.
I thought I read somewhere IAV had geared it to both start off quick for city and then to cruise and had a 12:1Welcome to ElioOwners.com glad you could join us! We have quite a few members from Ohio here.
We do not yet know the gearing. My guess is that EM and IAV have a good idea what it will be however they are likely waiting on pre-production vehicle testing to make a final determination on gearing.
As this vehicle is aimed at fuel efficiency I would not be surprised to see some stretched out gearing especially in 5th in order to maximize highway cruise efficiency. This engine is also of an undersquare design with a long stroke and narrow bore so it will not be a high revving engine and instead is more focused on low end torque.
tfunster, welcome to the forum and to the Elio family. Glad you jumped right in because as you can tell we are an active friendly group and look forward to your questions, comments, and opinions. Enjoy both the Elio experience and the journey with us.I think I saw 52hp @ 2,800rpm in the video.
I thought I read somewhere IAV had geared it to both start off quick for city and then to cruise and had a 12:1though that's quite likely I've just mixed wishful thinking into my various readings.