Elio Addict
this data is as far back as I could find.
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You can register using your Google, Facebook, or Twitter account, just click here.That is great! I'm curious, was 1/15 the P4 reveal at Sundance? I had only been looking at Elio for a week at that time so am not familiar with anything before Sundance - no I take that back, there was also the SEC(?CES?) in Las Vegas around that time. Anyone know? Thanks JNR. Excellent job. I realized if I provided the information I did have someone out there would know what to do with it. I was right. It is really cool what multiple brains can accomplish when linked! LOL
Reservations as of 4/6/14 are 14,091 That is 92 more than the previous week. Go Elio!!!Z
Not sure where the 68000 number came from but the most recent anticipated production numbers based on a 5 day week and a 3 shift 24 hour workday was 500 units a week. Far far shy of 68000/annum at only 26000 but perhaps that was meant to be initial output with production ramping up in later months with additional lines. I have no answer for that.
Also notice that while it was released yesterday it was actually an old article, also consider who it was with and with them you had better give conservative expectations or they can hurt you badly later on.I see on the news release yesterday Elio anticipates beginning delivery in the summer of 2015. Another slippage.
Also notice that while it was released yesterday it was actually an old article, also consider who it was with and with them you had better give conservative expectations or they can hurt you badly later on.