Hello all,
Attached are my first attempts at a table and chart showing the Elio reservation trends. The data is from the work of others on this site and other sites. Any corrections would be greatly appreciated. I will update the table and chart with each new official announcement from Elio.
View attachment 2181 View attachment 2182
Thanks...I will add that data set, and will watch to see if the Moderators move the discussion.
Marco, Welcome to the ElioOwners.com forum from Atlanta, GA!

Glad you have joined us on this fun forum for Elio fans and have jumped right in with some great contributions. I have moved your information into our reservation count thread which our members keep updated with the latest reservation number information as well as any graphs and charts our creative members, such as yourself, wish to share with everyone.
You have joined a very diverse group of people from all over the country who really enjoy discussing everything there is to know about this interesting vehicle. I hope you enjoy your time here reading about and/or discussing all there is to know about Elio Motors.
We have a survey we like reservation holders to fill out if they wish as it really helps us visualize the growing numbers and locations of future Elio Owners. For now information visit this link: http://www.elioowners.com/threads/elio-reservation-map-and-survey.1129/
We also have a thread for our many current and former service members to introduce themselves. If that applies to you or you would just like to read about other members' service make sure you visit this thread and introduce yourself as we have quite a few veterans among us: http://www.elioowners.com/threads/military-service.1118/
If you ever happen to have any issues while on this forum please be sure to notify a staff member as we are here to help.