Elio Addict
well, using the table that Painter referred to I just took a couple of #'s to get relative dates- If it should come to pass, at this pace +/- the wait looks very silly?at an average of 30 per day, it will take about 10 months to get to 50,000 .... if the program shows the level of development over the next few months that we hope it will, they will reach 50,000 much faster .... if not, it may take much longer
E #1 2/4
3000 3/31
10,000 4/28
15,000 5/12
25,000 6/23
100,000 11/10
150,000 1/19
My point- the difference in years spent on line (1k all in) equates to weeks receiving your E (Big bummer)!!!!!